Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Why Did Jesus Choose Judas?

 Jesus is fully God. With that means that He is omniscient today as well as when He walked on the earth. Jesus knows and knew all things. This has me pondering why He would choose Judas as one of His disciples. We learn in John 6 that Jesus knew beforehand Judas was going to betray Him. Judas embezzled money from the offerings. He did not believe in Jesus according to John 6 and He betrayed Jesus when He got arrested. 

Why choose such a one to be a disciple. On top of that, why trust him with the offerings as the treasurer? Judas was a man of low character. That seems obvious from reading about him in scripture. Jesus still chose him. Why? It does not make sense. 

Honestly, who would knowingly hire and associate with someone who steals company funds, does not believe in the president or mission of the company, and will stab the president in the back to get ahead financially. Nobody would knowingly do that with good sense. Jesus did. He had to have reasons for such a nonsensical move. 

I believe He did. It was all part of God's sovereign plan to lead Jesus to the cross and not the crown as the earthly king of Israel. God always plans ahead and has purposes for what He does. He always is several steps ahead in the chess match of life. We cannot see what He is up to. 

Jesus had to go to the cross. A person of low character who did not believe in Him would have to betray Him to the Jewish leaders. Judas was such a person. He played a crucial role in the redemptive plan. Jesus chose him to play the exact part he played. We can only see in part. God sees the full picture from creation to the millennial reign of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord always knows what He is doing even when we don't. 

Consider this. If Jesus had a plan for a thief and betrayer, what kind of plans does He have for those who love and trust Him? There is a role you are called to play. It might not be a main character or to play center stage in the plot. That does not mean your role is not important. Jesus had to be betrayed and arrested if Jesus was going to be crucified. 

Our roles are redemptive in God's plan. So be encouraged. You were born with a purpose. [Eph 2:10] spells that out for us. Meditate on that verse and ponder the purpose you were created for. Some of you already know that purpose. Others are still trying to figure that out. I believe God will reveal it if you do not know and seek Him with all your heart. 

Trusting For A Straight Path

 Proverbs 3:5-6 has long been a favorite verse among serious Bible students. There is a lot packed in those couple of verses that help people navigate the course of life. In a world of many decisions, these decisions can become confusing. The way can become blurred. 

The passage stars out with an admonition that is good for every season of life. Trust in the Lord. This is good for a child, adolescent, young adult, middle aged and senior adults alike. Trusting means having faith in, or placing confidence and assurance in. Has God earned the right to be trusted. He certainly has. His very nature is trustworthy. I am not saying there will not be seasons when it appeared God failed and let us down. I am confident that hindsight will show just the opposite. There are some circumstances we will not understand this side of eternity. Taking the long view, God is reliable. We can trust in Him at all times, even when we do not understand. We are to do this with all our heart. Totally abandoned to Him for our security. 

Next, we are not to lean on our understanding. We do this all the time. We think we know the best path. We make our plans. Sometimes our prayers are not so much submitting to His will as they are trying to convince God to do what we think is right. I am so glad that God did not answer hundreds of my prayers the way I wanted Him to do. If He had, I would not have met or married Brenda, who is the love of my life. I am thankful He shut the door on many churches that I thought were a great fit for me in ministry over the years. If He listened to me I never would have met the wonderful people in Paradise or Seminole or Weatherford. I am thankful for many hardships that taught me to trust Him more. We don't always know the best way. The older I get, the more I lean into God to make important decisions. I try to be at a place where I have no will of my own. I submit to His will, His plans, His desires. He knows best. He certainly knows better than I do what is best. 

In all our ways, we are to seek and acknowledge Him. He will make our paths straight. The word straight means pleasant and prosperous. The path might be straight. It also might be straight up hill. The pleasant prosperous ending might not come before having to climb. Through the path of climbing, we discover new things and get better views. 

If you have walked with God long enough, you know the path of life is filled with adversity. These are tests we have to overcome. Trials to endure. Tribulations to triumph. Each of those has the ability to destabilize our faith or to strengthen it. It depends if we trust. At this stage of the game, I trust God for a straight path. I seek Him. I know the way may not be without some hills. I believe that if I am focused on Him those straight paths will lead me straight to Him. That is the ultimate goal. Trusting for a straight path that leads me closer to Him. 

Saturday, August 17, 2024

The Engineer

 One of my favorite things we did on vacation this summer was to ride on old train. It was the first time in my life I ever rode on a full size train. It had been a dream of mine since a child. I felt child like that day as we prepared to board. Giddy would be a better description. I was surprised by the smooth ride. I expected it to be rougher. It was so smooth that on the return trip Turner and I both fell asleep. 

We waited ate the train depot with all the other passengers with great anticipation. We boarded the train showing our tickets. I was also surprised by how cool the temperature was inside the train. I figured it would hot right in the middle of the summer. Several passengers complained about feeling cold. Turner and I certainly did not. The passenger car we rode in actually had ceiling fans. We both wanted the fans turned on. 

Once we settled in our seats, it never really crossed my mind that our journey was left in the hands of the engineer. I just took it for granted that we would arrive at our intended destination and return again. Our job was to sit back and enjoy the journey. We certainly did that. That train trip proved to be my favorite part of our vacation followed closely behind climbing Enchanted Rock with Turner. 

I have been mulling over a quote made by devotional writer Oswald Chambers. He said very concisely, "Let God engineer." One of the meanings of the word engineer is the operator of train locomotive. In the same way I trusted the engineer this summer, I'm challenged to trust God to engineer the journey of life. I get on board with Him and trust His to get me where He wants me to be when He wants me to be there. My job is to enjoy the journey. I let Him handle all the details. I don't have to concern myself with switching tracks, schedules, speed, or other trains using the same tracks. The God who governs my life is the Engineer who handles all the details. 

Most people are control freaks. We work hard to control outcomes, our environment, and to avoid adversity. Farmers do this with their crops. Business people do so with profit margins. Sales people do this with sales quotas. Coaches do this with wins verses losses. Surgeons do this by operating in sterile operating rooms using the latest techniques to ensure the best outcome. 

The truth is we are not in control. Many times our days are thrown off track by unforeseen situations we did not plan for. Traffic backs up making people late for appointments. The test comes back positive for cancer. The stock market plunges causing loss of tens of thousands of dollars. The car breaks down. The kids get sick. The price of everything skyrockets. 

A person can fret and fear all this. That is why Chambers' simple message, "Let God engineer," is all the more potent. From our vantage point we can see life passing by like a passenger in a coach on a train. We cannot see what is in front us down the tracks. The Engineer sees what is ahead. We have to trust Him and His judgment. He knows what is best. 

If we let God engineer and stay out of His way, life will go much smoother. I am not saying that we will not encounter troubles along the way. God already is aware of those troubles and knows how to navigate us through them. If He is operating my life, I can trust Him with what is ahead. I do not have to be anxious. He knows where He wants me, how to get me there, and when He wants me to arrive. I get trust Him and enjoy the journey. I choose to let God engineer. I hope you will do the same as well. 

Friday, August 16, 2024

Dirty Bride

 I guess most men do not enjoy weddings unless they are the one getting married So much pomp and circumstance. Everybody gets gussied up. Flowers decorate the scene. People take their seats and exchange small talk before the ceremony begins. A hushed silence falls over the crowd when the preacher, groom and groomsmen all walk in the room. Music plays softly and bridesmaids walk to the stage. With great anticipation the wedding march sounds and the bride makes her appearance. She is the focal point of attention. A collective gasp echoes in the room. 

The bride enters the room filthy. Her wedding dress is soiled and stained. Her shoes are scuffed. Her hair, once meticulously prepared for the big day, is now disheveled. People stare in shock. Questions begin to murmur as the bride saunters down the aisle seemingly oblivious to everyone's reaction. 

Instinctively the crowd turns to look at the groom. His disappointment and disdain are noticeable. A tear even cascades down his cheek. Eventually he turn his eyes to look at the floor because he cannot stand to look at the one he loves who showed up in such a careless condition. 

That is exactly how Jesus must feel about His bride, the church, and the condition she is in. Look what we have done to His bride. We have fussed and fought to divide her. We have dipped into the sewage of sin leaving a stench for outsiders. We shunned holiness and embraced hypocrisy grinning all the time without shame or remorse. We sing His praises and then curse like sailors both inside and outside the house of God. We live lukewarm in our hearts toward Jesus and it makes Him want to vomit. 

We are oblivious that we are a dirty bride. We actually think we look pretty good. Because we do not have the guts to take an honest look in the mirror of God's word to see the truth about ourselves. We are a dirty, filthy, spotted, defiled, and polluted bride. I do not care how pristine the facilities look. I am not even concerned with how many sit in the seats. Our dirtiness goes well beyond the exterior. Look closer. Look deeper within. What you will find in many churches will not be pretty. 

You will find saints living sinful lives of sensuality. Sins like fornication, adultery, and homosexuality happen among those in the church. Dishonest people find ways to embezzle offerings. Fractured relationships over petty issues are like land mines on a battlefield. People show up at the same place to worship, but hate a fellow brother or sister in Christ refusing to make things right. Power hungry people manipulate and politic their way into influential positions so they can accomplish their agenda. 

We are destroying the bride of Christ. This point was driven home to me recently. I got a call from a lady in a tiny West Texas town. I did not recognize the number and was on the phone when this person called. Out of respect, I returned the lady's call. She spent a few minutes giving me about their church. Then the truth came out. They had a split. They lost many people and were barely struggling to keep the doors open. It was a sad, but all too familiar story. Christians not able to get along and work through disagreements. My heart grieved when we hung up the phone. 

When I hung up, I could not help but think how we are harming Jesus' bride. The Bride of Christ is filthy. How could Jesus, as the groom, ever be pleased by what He sees in His bride. Repentance is in order, but I am betting few churches will do it. Cleansing is needed, but experience tells me most congregations are content in their filth. 

When will the bride wake up and look in the mirror? When will we as the people of God stop the religious rituals, the show sham services, and own up to the truth. Jesus is not pleased. We have spotted His bride. We have allowed the muck and mire of the world to stain His church. We have shunned His word and His ways and embraced compromise. We program but do not pray. We embrace the world but do not evangelize. We adopt Wall Street methods but avoid the altar of self sacrifice. We finance our man made plans while refusing to operate budgets on faith. 

We are a dirty bride. We like it that way. We have grown comfortable in our sin. We have grown accustomed to our filth and stench. Jesus does not and never will. Repentance is in order in the house of God. 

Thursday, August 15, 2024


 To fixate means to acquire an obsessive attachment to someone. From time to time we hear about people who stalk a celebrity. They fixate on these celebrities so much that they know their movements. It can become creepy and even dangerous if the stalker is not made to respect healthy boundaries. 

Some people fixate on getting married and then many fixate on getting out of the marriage. Others fixate on having children and then resent the intrusion and inconvenience that children bring. 

People can fixate on things. They focus on acquiring an object whether a piece of property or vehicle, it dominates their attention. They can barely think of anything else. Obsessed with getting the object of their desire. Fixating can be very unhealthy. 

People can fixate on achieving a dream. Attaining a certain level of professional success. They put in the extra study, work the long hours, all in an attempt to get a certain position or job title. Athletes do this in their chosen sport. Law enforcement officers may work to climb the ranks in the department as well as military personnel. 

None of those things are on my mind. I am fixated on drawing closer to God. Inching ever closer, drawing ever so nearer, and developing deeper communion. I want to fixate on the subject of knowing God. Some fixations are unhealthy obsessions. Fixating on God is a magnificent obsession. A most wonderful and soul satisfying attachment. There is nothing unhealthy about this. It should be the heartbeat for every believer. 

Sadly, we are amused and distracted by lesser attachments. People come and go in and out of our lives. I have not talked to one person I went to high school with in years. I rarely even think of them. There are so many people I was very close to at one time and then relocating changed the dynamic of our relationship. It is not that we do not love each other anymore. We are just not around one another. Possessions come and go. They fade, wear out, break, or become obsolete in our ever changing world of technology. 

None of those things are true for God. He is worth attaching our souls. He is worth our obsessive seeking. He is worth our most passionate pursuit and our most diligent devotion. He is worth our fixation. So go ahead. Obsessively attach yourself to Him. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

A Bottle in the Ocean

Picture an old Coke bottle thrown into the ocean. It bobs up and down like a cork attached to fishing line on a pole. The bottle is splashed with water inside from time to time, all the while being towed further and further out to sea. The bottle becomes invisible to the naked eye in the vast body of water.  A tiny speck in the great expanse. The bottle may contain a little of the ocean in it, but it does not contain the whole ocean. The ocean does contain the whole bottle. 

That bottle is like a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. We may contain or know a little of Him. He contains and knows all about us. Most of us have a thimble full of knowledge of the Master. We have learned a few historical facts along the way. Like He was born of a virgin and died on a cross. We are aware that He arose on the third day from the grave. That does not mean we really know Him. 

On the other hand, Jesus knows the very number of hairs on our heads. He knows our thoughts. He knows our passions, our secret sins, and what we will say next before a word every comes from our mouth. He knows every single day of the rest of our lives. He knows our insecurities, hopes, dreams, and what revs our motors. He created us and redeemed us. He knows all about us and waits and wants for us to know Him more. It is preponderous that the people of the Lord could ever smugly believe they know all there is to know. 

Knowing Jesus is a lifetime pursuit. There are peaks, crevices, nooks, caves, valleys, ravines, waterfalls, streams in Him worth exploring for all our days. We cannot possibly know all there is to know. We must wake up and realize our knowledge of the Savior is like a bottle floating in the ocean. We may be filled to the capacity, but He can enlarge us to contain more. He can expand our capacity to experience and realize more of Him.  I hope that is what everyone of us wants. More of Him. That is certainly our greatest need. 

Monday, August 12, 2024

A Piece of Crap

 I realize the title is a little salty for the liking of some people. Some may be so offended they choose not read further. They will miss out.

Yesterday I asked a question at our 1 Way substance abuse detox ministry. The question was, "What do you think Jesus thinks of you." There was silence for a while. The woman sitting to my left replied, "That I am a piece of crap." She did not divulge much of her story. She didn't have to. She looked to be a middle aged woman who has lived a hard life. She also mentioned the feeling of living in shame. 

She has made some mistakes. She would not have been sitting in the room if she had not. It grieved my heart that she has projected the feelings she has about herself onto Jesus. We talk about the love of Jesus. We even teach children to sing about the love of Jesus with songs like Jesus Loves Me and Jesus Loves The Little Children Of The World. We preach and teach about it. WE JUST DO NOT BELIEVE IT. Not everyone. 

Linda held a Bible in her lap and opened right up to the specific passage we studied. She knew where to turn. It was evident she was not a stranger to the Bible. She just could not bring herself to believe the truth contained in the Bible. She could not conceive of a Savior who loves her no matter her past, no matter how many times she has failed, or the number of times she has relapsed. She feels like a piece of crap and thinks Jesus feels the same way. She is wrong. 

This message has imprinted in her thoughts for a long time. We pointed her to Jesus who accepted the woman caught in adultery and yet rejected her sin. The same Jesus who restored Peter after the mouthy disciple denied even knowing Jesus. Betrayal on a deep level. Paul persecuted and had Christians killed. Jesus forgave him. 

That woman is not a piece. of crap. She was created in the image of God. One of the recurring themes I see over and over again at the detox center is that people ask God to forgive them for their sin, but they just can't forgive themselves. They beat themselves up for going back to the very thing they swore they would never do again. Their resolve was weak and the temptation was too strong to resist. They relapsed again. Jesus gets disappointed when we sin. It grieves Him when we fall for the lie and tripped up again by the traps of Satan. 

There are many people who feel like a piece of crap and they are not in addiction. They made decisions that destroyed their lives. They stole, they cheated their company, they were unfaithful to spouses, or they surrendered to shameful behaviors that bear not repeating. They condemn themselves. They replay those decisions over and over again in their heads. If only they had chosen differently. They can point back to the decision that lead to rebellion against God that brought on destructive consequences. Some of these people wrestled back and forth as the forces of good and evil tugged at their heart and mind. It is the same thing that happened with Eve and the serpent tempting her and Adam. One little decision can have massive implications. 

For Linda, it meant being in  a detox center away from family and wallowing in shame. Jesus loves to lift pieces of crap like her and all of us and cleanse us, forgive us, restore us, and heal us. He really does love us. All of us. Sure our list of sins could fill several books. His grace fills oceans. His love is deeper and wider than we know. This love can be splashed over pieces of crap like us and He can transform us into diamonds that reflect His grace and His glory. From crap to trophies of His grace. Set your mind on that. 

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Not a Spectator Sport

 In 2015, over 85,000 passionate fans poured into AT&T Stadium to watch the Ohio State Buckeyes and the Oregon Ducks battle it out for the college football national championship. That pales in comparison to the 400,000 racing fans who cram in to watch the Indianapolis 500. 

People love to watch their favorite teams. Around where I live, fans are passionate about the Dallas Cowboys, Texas Rangers, and the Dallas Mavericks. Team gear is everywhere. People spend insane amounts of money to watch their favorite teams play. People are just as passionate about the Texas Longhorns, Texas A&M Aggies, Texas Christian University, and Texas Tech. Rabid fans also can be found around the world. Millions line up to watch the Tour de France or World Cup Soccer. 

Billy Graham famously said, "Christianity is not a spectator sport." I discovered in some research today that church attendance is dwindling. Attendance has not recovered to pre-pandemic days for many congregations. Then I came across some statistics that startled me. In a survey taken a few years ago, it was discovered that 3:10 adults attend church weekly. That number trended downward to only 2:10 attending more recently. In a survey taken July 3, 2024 the number plummeted to 1:20 adults who attended a worship service weekly. 

Christianity is not a spectator sport. Even it was we are doing a poor job getting spectators in the building. Followers of Jesus were never meant to sit in a pew and soak in endless study of the scriptures without taking action. Just imagine the first church gathering and people showing up to watch the performance on stage. 

Those early believers prayed together. They worshiped together. They labored together and sacrificed together. They shared meals together. They cooperated in sharing the love of Jesus with those around them to the point that people were getting saved every single day. They were engaged. In the arena fighting the good fight. They were practical participants. They were not spectators. 

Some people pat themselves on the back for just showing up to the assembly of believers. Jesus wants more than butts in the seats. He wants hearts on the altar. He wants feet ready to enter the mission field with the message of Jesus. He wants open wallets and purses for advancing His causes. He wants people to give some sweat equity to do the work of God. He wants tender hearts to love the most unlovable. He desires bold followers to fearlessly proclaim the saving message of grace to the lost scattered around. HE WANTS MORE THAN SPECTATORS. HE WANTS PLAYERS TO GET IN THE GAME. BE A PART OF THE ACTION. BE AN ACTIVE PARTICIPANT. The church will never impact our culture as long as people are content to be spectators. 

Sampson's Little Foxes

 D.L. Moody was a giant in the faith. He was a tremendous leader and motivator. He was a great preacher, passionate soul winner, a tireless worker, and a promoter of God movements in America and England. 

He once had a gathering of preachers who met under some pine trees. Night after night they prayed and sought God. On the last night, Moody exhorted the men to seek God more passionately before they were all to return to their homes the next day. 

They prayed fervently and waited on God. He did not disappoint. God moved in tremendous fashion among those gathered under the pines. Sure enough, the next day all those men went to the train station to catch trains for their homes. One of the comments about them returning home caught my attention. 

A.W. Tozer recounts the story of what happened from historians. "The next as they took the trains in all directions, historian says that everywhere they went, they were like Samson's foxes going in all directions through the fields , setting fires as they went." Tozer Speaks p. 198-199

We need that again. We need the fire of God to spread in all directions. Do we prayerfully wait on God for His fire? We cannot manufacture it or reproduce it. This is a supernatural fire in the soul. It is a sustaining fire that purifies and spreads to others. This is an unquenchable fire in the midst of opposition, persecution, and suspicion. It burns feverishly in the soul and contagiously spreads to those it comes in contact. 

We have our programs. Programs do not produce the fire of God. We have our state of the art facilities. Facilities are lifeless buildings which produce no fire. We have our well trained experts to lead us. Well trained does not mean well prayed and well Spirit infused with fire. 

Preachers still gather for conferences. They still scatter to go back home. Historians are no longer writing that the fire spread like Samson's foxes in all directions. There is little prayerful waiting for the fire of God to come, and therefore there is little fire of God to spread. 

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

It's a Lonely Life

 The older gentleman walked into my office looking for some information about the cemetery across the street. I did have the information he needed, but connected him with the person who did. 

He told me a very sad tale. He was looking for some family members' graves, but could not find one of them. He had not been out here in a very long time and forgotten what part of the cemetery his loved ones were buried in. He told me about two sisters who died very young and tragically. The youngest died first. She was curious about the commode flushing and stepped upon a stool her big sister used. She lost her balance and fell headfirst into the commode as it filled with water. Her arms got pinned on the sides of the seat. She tragically drowned at only two years old. Just a few years later the older sister died at six from complications from seizures. The parents still live with grief and guilt. 

I could see the pain in the man's eyes as he talked about those girls he loved so much. He did not even tell other family members he was coming to visit the graves because of the pain it would cause. 

Then he told me about losing his wife to cancer. She died two years ago. She told him she wanted him and her to be buried on top of one another so they could be always be close. A sweet sentiment. His parting words penetrated deeply. He said just before he wheeled to leave, "It's a lonely life."If the eyes are the window to the soul, this man's soul was grieving. I listened to him and reassured him as best I could. 

Over the years, I have ministered to many widows and widowers who are forced to trudge through the remainder of their lives without their spouse. Some navigate this difficult season better than others. Some find ways to keep choosing joy and to keep living. Others can stuck in the rut of grief and are never able to free themselves. When you spend decades of your life with someone, eating meals together, watching television together, shopping, taking trips, going out to eat on special occasions, worshiping together, sharing holidays, having and rearing children, all of that changes abruptly when one of them dies. It leaves a gaping hole in the heart. 

Where as before, you were known as a couple, you are thrown back into the vast stream of single hood. You may feel like a third wheel. You often opt to stay at home rather than join other couples on their outings. You sit at home in an empty house repeating the same monotonous routine. A person can only watch so much tv and read so many books. You feel isolated, forgotten, and sometimes in the throes of depression you seldom talk about. You try to put on a happy face when you have to be in public. 

It's a lonely life for a lot of people. Lonely for the divorced. Countless tear splattered prayers for reconciliation went unheeded. You sit confused wondering how you got where you are. What started out as marital bliss ended in heartbreak. Now you are trying to pick up the pieces of shattered dreams of happily ever after. You are caught in a nightmare you never wanted and cannot escape. Bitterness can sometimes seep in and replace the empty places where love abided. Nobody notices and it appears nobody cares. 

Somedays it is hard to get out of bed for the surviving widow, widower, or divorcee. Somedays it is by sheer will power that common duties are done. Like cooking, laundry and paying bills. Those who grieved with you initially have all moved on with their lives. They have their own responsibility and you sure do not want to be a bother. So you go on suffering silently. You languish in your loneliness. 

Is there any hope, any words of comfort, anything that can ever make things better? I dare not pass on worn out cliches that often damage more than they help. All I have is scripture. God's word that serves like medicine. Many times I have quoted Ps 34:18 to the suffering and grieving. I have also pointed people to Ps 30:5. I know what it is like to live through nights of weeping. I have also seen the joy come in the morning in due time. Ps 46:1 has helped me through some very difficult times. I pray it often in pastoral ministry. Those verses do not take the sting away. Maybe they help through the hardest times to press on a little farther. To make it through one more night, one more day, one more week, and one more anniversary or holiday. My heart aches with you. 

While the world moves on, I know some of you never will in the same way. Everything changed for you. It's a lonely life now. God promises He will never leave us or forsake us. Like someone once told me, "Sometimes I need Jesus with skin on." Meaning sometimes I need people to call, to visit, to write, and to remember. Maybe you could be Jesus with skin on for someone living a lonely life today. 

The Whole World is Against You

 1,400 years ago a man named Arius stood and proclaimed that Jesus was a good man, Jesus was a great man, but Jesus wasn't God. The fiery blaze of the Spirit of God provoked a man named Athanasius, who refuted this false teaching vigorously. He thundered that the Bible taught Jesus was indeed God. Controversial sparks spread. Arius' teaching was more widely accepted. 

Someone came to Athanasisus and told him, "The whole world is against you." That was big statement. It is one thing to have a few enemies. A handful of opponents. To have the whole world against you is a different matter. How did this defender of truth respond? He fired back, "Then I am against the whole world." 

Some are people pleasers. Preachers are not immune. It is easy to preach messages the flock wants to hear, that will generate larger offerings and more in attendance. I applaud Athanasius' bold stand. It sounds very similar to what Paul penned in [Gal 6:14] But may it never be that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the whole world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. 

There are men of jello backbones in the pulpit today. Some who refuse to touch on controversy. Some who will not take an unpopular stand. These spineless cowards will not go against the woke culture. They will not call homosexuality sin and an abomination to God. They will not call out abortion, transgenderism, or drag queen story hours at local libraries for fear of offending someone. THE WHOLE WORLD IS OFFENDED BY THE MESSAGE OF JESUS. IT LOOKS LIKE FOOLISHNESS TO THEM. A STUMBLING BLOCK TO OTHERS. SO BE IT. LET THEM BE OFFENDED AND STUMBLE. THERE IS SALVATION NO OTHER WAY EXCEPT THROUGH SEE JESUS. See John 14:6. We need bold and fearless men in the pulpit. Prophets who do not preach for profit. Pulpiters who do not preach for popularity, but for the approval of God. 

Athanasius understood that what on he defended hung the hope of the gospel message itself. He had to swim upstream from his contemporaries. He became increasingly unpopular, but that did not deter Him. He stood strong though the howling winds of an antagonistic world blew against Him. He did not budge nor compromise just to get along with people. 

We must defend truth in a culture that says there are plural gods and many ways to eternal bliss. This is becoming increasingly popular. I know that my preaching is old school. I will preach the text. That Jesus was born of a virgin, sent from God to be a propitiation for our sins, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, and the Light of the world in this present darkness. I will preach that He and Him alone is the only way to peace with God the Father. I will preach the whole counsel of God. The stuff that is easy on the ears as well as the stuff that pummels the heart. It is all needed and I am more committed to preaching all of it now than I have ever been. 

The culture mocks our God and faith. They ridicule us. We are not the first generation to face these things. We must hold fast on our watch. If the whole world turns against us, then like Paul and Athanasisus let us turn against the whole world. This world holds nothing for us. This world is not our home. God never called us to be popular. He called us to be faithful. He will not say at the end of our lives well done good and well liked servant. Because of your increasing popularity on social media enter into your reward. RATHER, HE WILL SAY WELL DONE GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT! May we commit ourselves to defend Bible truth no matter what it costs us, even our own lives. 

In the end, history has proven Athanasius was right. He is considered a hero of the faith. He is spoken of in revered tones. Most have forgotten the heretic Arius and his false teachings. May we not live for the shortsighted fickle applause of men. May we live for God's greater cause. May we be staunch defenders of truth even if the whole world turns against us. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2024


 I read a quote yesterday that challenged me by Erwin McManus. He asked are we really trying to discern the will of God or considering if we have the courage to do it?

I prayerfully thought about that a long time. Courage. The ability to do something that frightens me. When I got honest before God, there was one thing that I most would never want Him to ask me to do. It terrifies me. Disclosing that is not important in this discussion. What is important is if I have the courage to obey should God ever call me to do that thing? 

Courage is not the absence of fear. Courage is following through even though you are gripped by fear. Courageous faith tramples fear. The greater concern is disobeying or disappointing God. Courage is not foolishly throwing caution to the wind. Courage is clearly hearing the call of God and stepping out in faith when you cannot see all the details. It is not avoiding risk, but trusting God in the middle of the risk. 

The Bible is filled with stories about courage. Abraham leaving His country in Gen 12:1-2. Moses opposing Pharaoh in the book of Exodus. Joshua following Moses in leadership in Joshua 1:9. Joshua and Caleb wanting to go into the Promise Land when the majority cowered in fear. Numbers 13-14. Elijah standing alone for God amidst an army of false prophets. I Kings 18. David running toward Goliath. I Samuel 17. Some fishermen willingly following Jesus. Matthew 4:18-20. Paul returning to the very city that nearly stoned him to death to preach the unpopular message of Jesus.  Acts 14.

Do I have the courage to really follow Jesus like those people mentioned above? Do I have the guts to put my money where my mouth is in my faith? Am I willing to run toward risk when called to do so? Am I willing to deny fear to act courageously? I want to say yes, but I think a more honest assessment would be that I will not truly know until I am put in that situation. 

There are cowards in the faith. There are also courageous people of valor in the faith. Which one most identifies you? May Joshua 1:9 fuel courage in all of us to follow God's lead fully. 

Seeking With a Whole Heart

 My subject today is God. An impossible subject to fully explain, fully explore, and fully experience. Nevertheless, I was challenged from the scriptures yesterday morning. I am slowly making my way through Psalm 119 which is the longest chapter in the Bible. My aim when I started reading was to make significant headway through the chapter. I only made it two verses before God spoke. 

Here is the verse that captured my heart. How blessed are those who observe His testimonies; who seek Him with all their heart. [Ps 119:2] 

Seeking God with our whole heart is more than just a quick prayer or hurried devotion reading before rushing out the door or before falling asleep at night. Don't miss this. God wants to be wanted. He desires to make Himself known. That takes time and serious effort on our part. 

The word seek in this passage is pregnant with meaning. It means to inquire. To ask questions. To investigate. Think of a reporter going on the scene of a story and trying to gather as much information as possible before writing the article or reporting on the evening news. We should approach seeking God with the same tenacity to get the full scope of God. He is so much more than we know. It saddens me that a good many Christians are content to be casual acquaintances with God rather than to become closely related to Him. It is the difference in spending time knowing about God or spending time getting to know God. They are not the same. 

I am convinced we have multitudes who identify as Christians, but they do not desire public worship, they have little appetite for His word preferring to have their ears tickled, and they barely find time to talk to Him except in crisis situations. 

How many reading this would say we are serious students of knowing God. The word seek also means to study. Theology is a word that means the study of God. I have several thousand books in my library. Many of these books are written from a deeper knowledge and study of God than I have ever experienced. I heard a person clarify the difference between theologians of centuries ago to modern authors is that the older guys used to take a few verses and write hundreds of pages about them. The newer guys take multiple verses and typically get less than two-hundred pages. Those older guys knew more of God and reached heights in their walks with Him few today can even imagine. 

Our verse exhorts us to not only seek God, but to seek Him with all our hearts. The word all means the whole heart. Every part of the heart. We all know the difference between going through the motions of time with God and going after Him with all our heart. The first takes little effort. The second requires serious concentration, earnest prayer, engaging the mind in deep thoughtful meditation, and taking adequate time to do all those things. 

I believe one of the reasons few people seek Him with all their heart is because it takes time. In our past paced, hurried, always on the go, and rushed society, it is not easy to slow down intentionally. Words like quiet, solitude, reflection, meditation, and prayer are in opposition to our lifestyles. These activities force us to slow down. If you really want to know God, it will require long spells shut up alone with Him. Most people either do not have time nor make time to do that. 

I asked God to create that desire to seek Him with all my heart in me. I know my nature. I am easily excited and quick to jump into things. When the excitement wears off, the enthusiasm wears thin and I lose the intensity. I plead with God to intensify that longing to seek Him. To not be satisfied with worshiping Him from a distant view. I want to know Him. There is so much to be known. So much more to learn, discover, explore, examine, and investigate. 

Take a little time and contemplate His grace. Him giving us what we could never earn or deserve. Let that facet of His character sink in. Ponder His strength and power. Reflect on His love. Redirect to His righteousness, just judgments, omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence. We cannot fully grasp the depths of any of those attributes, much less all of them at the same time. We are just skimming the surface. What about His mercy, kindness, tenderness, goodness, compassion, and faithfulness? We are not done. Consider His wrath, indignation, sovereignty, and holiness. There is so much more. How can we not seek Him with our whole heart? There will always be more to learn, higher heights to climb, deep depths to plunge, vast more attributes to explore. It is the journey of a lifetime. One that requires serious seeking with the whole heart. The reward is really knowing the living God and walking in close communion with Him. 

Saturday, August 3, 2024

A Distant Thunder

 I awoke this morning to the distant sound of what appeared to be thunder. I have not watched the weather forecast in several days. When I last did in the passing they were predicting oppressive heat and high pressure overhead well into August. I told myself that sound could't be thunder. 

Later I heard it again. This time it sounded closer. The reverberations rattled the windows. Shortly afterward, I saw flashes of light peering above the mini blinds on the windows. I thought again, it is not supposed to rain. That thought was followed by another that God can do anything He wants to do. He is Almighty. He commands the rains. 

The distant thunder seemed right overhead as the rain started falling. For about an hour it thundered, rained, and the lightening flashed. I slept through most of it chuckling to myself that God can do anything. Even make it rain when it is not supposed to do so. 

The storm came and went. After an hour, I could make out the sound of the distant thunder going away from us. That distant thunder reminded me of a valuable lesson. Storms in life come and go. There is a beginning and an ending to them. It might not be a thunderstorm. The storms you face may be much worse. There is still a beginning to them and an ending to them. 

I don't think any of us can forget the pandemic storm of the corona virus Covid-19. Lockdowns. Masks. Sheltering in Place. Social distancing. Vaccine mandates and passports all became part of a nightmare that seemed it would never end. I got the virus. I suffered for the better part of ten days. Incessant coughing. Insomnia. Headaches. Nothing relieved the cough. I only slept soundly when my body could not stay awaken any longer and I passed out from sheer exhaustion. Nights and days became mixed up. That was a terrible storm. It ended though. 

I realize that it has resurfaced in recent days. I have already known several people who got sick from it. They are recovered or recovering. There is a beginning and an ending. 

That is hard to remember when you are in the middle of the storm. You get disoriented. You become consumed with surviving the storm. So much so that you forget one day the storm will end. One day things will get better. One day the storm clouds will clear and the sun rays of hope will shine forth. It is that hope that we must hang onto in the stormy seasons. 

The Psalmist seemed to understand this in [Psalm 42:5], Why so downcast O my soul, put your hope in God. Downcast people are discouraged, despondent, disheartened, and dispirited. In the stormy seasons, a good pep talk to rally our spirit is to remind ourselves the storm will end. One day things will get better. 

Some reading this might disagree. Things have not gotten better for them for decades. The storms of divorce, terminal disease, chronic illness, or death of a loved one linger endlessly. Even these storms will end one day. It might not be this side of heaven. Some people will suffer right up to the end of their lives. Then the storm will break in the brightest and clearest skies in eternity they have ever experienced. That is reason to keep hoping. To keep hoping. The thunder you hear right now will eventually become the distant thunder you hear moving away from you. God is even in control of the storm. He can command it to stop or move on. God rides upon the storms holding the reigns of the storm like a mounted cowboy on a bucking stallion. One word from Him, "Hush be still," and everything will become calm again. Your storm will end eventually down here or over in Beulah Land. Take comfort and hope in that. 

Look at God

 Brenda has not worked since July 9. We knew this would be a challenging season financially. We determined from the beginning we would not say a word to anyone outside our immediate family. We prayed and left it with God. I knew God would come through. He has in the past. He knew our situation. I had perfect peace.

We checked our mailbox and our P.O. Box regularly hoping for God's provision. Our monthly income was nearly cut in half. We tightened our belts at home, we we were blessed with Spring Creek people and Pinnacle Christian School people bringing us meals for several weeks. That certainly helped. As the days ticked by and turned into weeks, the needed provision did not come. I did not doubt. It was a test and one that I was determined to pass. So, I kept asking and resting in the assurance that He has the cattle on a thousand hills. [Ps 50:10]

Two weeks ago on a Wednesday night, I was dropped my Bible in the office after teaching our mid-week service. I saw something on my desk. A $100 was sitting there. I rejoiced. LOOK AT GOD! I thanked Him and showed Brenda when I got home. We knew that would help, but it would not see us through. 

A few days later a check arrived in the mail. I did not see the amount. Brenda said, "Now we can pay Tanner's rent." LOOK AT GOD. The check had to be for at least $300. 

We kept praying. I kept checking the mailboxes in both locations day after day and nothing. Days turned into a week. We kept believing and asking. I reminded Brenda that God would come through. We still did not communicate our needs to anyone. We did not need to do so. We have learned for decades that God hears prayer. He knows what we need. He is perfectly able to get His provision to us when it most glorifies Him, most strengthens our faith, and when the time is right. [Eph 3:20] I have spent decades preaching and writing about this. I started thanking God for the next opportunity I would have to testify about what He did and glorify. That opportunity is today. 

This past Wednesday night we enjoyed another Bible study as we work our way through the Gospel of John. I went around the building turning lights and a/c units off when I ran into our treasurer. He stopped and handed me an envelope. We talked for a few moments and went about our business. I finished my task and went home. Inside the envelope was a check for $1,000! On the notification line it simply read, "Gift." LOOK AT GOD! For the third time He provided for us in an unusual way. LOOK AT WHAT GOD DONE DONE. I know that is not grammatically correct, but you get the picture. 

Brenda and I have decades of such stories pointing people to God, encouraging them that God answers prayer. Nobody but our sons and God knew our need. We determined not to complain, not to drop hints, not to walk around gloomy, not to try and take matters into our own hands, but to let go and let God work. He did. so in marvelous fashion. He will continue to do so. This was the test I wrote about weeks ago, but could not elaborate. I had to wait for God to do His God stuff to show that He can do anything. I cannot tell you the immense pleasure and joy it gives me to write this. To testify about another miracle God did for the Edwards family. Those miracles stack up like firewood over the years. People have actually doubted these stories were true. From groceries to gas, from houses to cars, from money to moves of the Spirit, we have watched God do impossible things. Doubters will doubt, but we keep watching God silence them with the weapon of answered prayer. 

The tests are not fun. I used to begrudge them. Now I know that the tests are just the platform to watch God do something amazing. God is not done. Soon and very soon I will get to say again, "LOOK AT GOD!" 

Weary pilgrims. I think part of the purpose God has set for Brenda and I is to endure these hard tests, to pray through them, to experience God's miraculous intervention, so that we can encourage others in their faith journey. It is not about us. Our prayers are no more special than any of yours. Our faith may be a little stronger because it has been tested and proved so many times. Whatever you are going through God knows. He hears you. Trust Him. Persevere until you have your own LOOK AT GOD moment and testimony. [Matt 7:7-8]