Monday, April 1, 2024

Is Jesus Coming Back a Good Thing or a Bad Thing

 That is the question I was asked at 180 at our detox ministry. We already talked about the crucifixion and the resurrection. Somehow one of them asked about the return of Jesus and if it was near. That is when one of the men asked, "Is Jesus coming back a good thing or a bad thing?" Fred Ford and I both answered at the same time with, "That all depends." 

With that we launched into a quick summary of end time events and of current signs being fulfilled all around. We talked about earthquakes, wars, famines, RFID chips in people, and the recent blood moon and solar eclipse coming next week along with all the planets being aligned. It would appear God is trying to get our attention. 

We discussed that Jesus coming back is a great thing for believers. For those whom Jesus has saved, Jesus  return will bring the rapture of the saints. Millions of Christians will literally be snatched away without explanation other than Jesus called them home. I am sure those left behind will come up with a narrative to explain it away. In my opinion, they are setting it in motion with all the recent talk about UFOs. How convenient to say that millions of people were abducted by aliens. 

For those left behind, there is still a chance to be saved in the Great Tribulation period. Seven years of escalating and unrelenting judgment of God and the rise of the Anti-Christ and his war on believers. It will be an unprecedented time. 

We offered the men a chance to ask Jesus to save them. 3 reported they did, though Fred and I had some doubts about one of them. They asked me something that in nearly two years no other resident at the detox has asked us. They asked if they could be baptized.  The plan is that they were going to ask permission to come be baptized at the church in a private session if they were allowed to get out, or with the permission of those in charge, we will baptize in a bathtub at the center. 

We praise God that He is still saving people. We rejoice that people come into that place with lives wrecked and Jesus comes and puts them back together. What a joy to see Jesus transform lives. A joy beyond my words to express. 

Jesus is returning. For Christians this is a great thing. For unbelievers it will be a horrible thing. They can still repent and be saved in that tribulation period. There will not be as many preachers, churches, and access to the gospel message. Christians will be persecuted hunted down like wild animals for execution. Jesus is coming soon. Turn to Him and ask for His redemption. Plead for Him to reconcile you to God the Father as you repent from your wicked ways. 

In the church, one of the all time beloved songs is I'll Fly Away. It is the hope of all believers that at death our souls will fly away to heaven and we could possibly fly away due to the rapture if Jesus appears before we die. Either way would be all right for the majority of us. I hope you will fly away with us. If you suddenly find yourself left behind while millions of followers of Jesus disappear, repent and cry out to Jesus in that very moment. You will have missed your chance to be raptured, but you will fly away when you die. What a day of rejoicing that will be. 

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