Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Turn on a Dime

 Following God is a great adventure You never know when He will show up and do something new, call you to something new, or reveal something new. Abram never expected to leave his home country until God showed up and called him to move to a land God would show him. [Heb 11:8] It did not make sense. It could not be explained. Everything in Abram's life turned on a dime with that one God encounter. 

Mundane days can turn on a dime when God reveals Himself in a fresh way like He did to Moses in [Exodus 3:1-12] at the burning bush. Moses watched sheep for 40 years. Not one time before that ordained day had he ever seen a bush burning, but the bush not being consumed It got his curiosity up. When he turned to look closer God revealed a greater purpose for his life than watching sheep. 

David was also a shepherd. His whole life turned on a dime when Samuel showed up to anoint the next king. [I Samuel 161-23] He was not even invited by his father to be considered. When he was summoned to the house his whole life changed when God told Samuel David was the one. David most likely never dreamed in his wildest imagination of being the king of Israel. His whole life turned on a dime when God chose him. When he did become king eventually, he reigned on the throne for 40 years. 

The disciples whole lives changed when some of them had an encounter with Jesus on the beach. They left everything to follow Him. Jesus had a new calling for them. A new destiny. A new path that would lead to adventure, pain, and for some even martyrdom. Everything changed for those men the day Jesus showed up. [Matt 4:18-20]. Now those men are renowned throughout the whole world. 

I could give other examples of Elijah, Elisha, Jeremiah, Paul, Timothy, and others down through the ages. Everything can turn on a dime when Jesus shows up. Look at the demoniac, woman with the issue of blood and Jairus' daughter in [Mark 5]. All experienced the transformative power of Jesus in unique ways and everything changed that day. 

God encounters can change everything. You may be trodding through your day oblivious to the power of God. Without warning, suddenly, unexpectedly, and powerfully He can show up to answer a prayer. Many weeks ago I received an email from a lady who read one of the books I wrote about prayer. She asked me to join her in prayer about three different things. One of those was restoration of her children with whom her relationship had been estranged for some time. We prayed and asked God to intervene. He did in a powerful way. Her daughter reached out to her asking for some help. She communicated that she wanted a relationship with her mother. Hallelujah. Everything can turn on a dime. Nothing is impossible with God. 

God alters the course of your life with one encounter. He can transform a life with one encounter. He can answer a prayer in dramatic fashion when He chooses to reminding us that everything can turn on a dime. 

I don't know what you are facing. You may be in one of the worst seasons of your life. Things may be horrible, confusing, disorienting, and even disillusioning. It may feel like God abandoned you. It may feel like you are forgotten. I remind you that each of the characters I mentioned earlier were going about their days unaware everything was about to change. Some were suffering. Some were facing critical needs. Others had suffered for a long time. Some were just living boring predictable ordinary lives before God turned everything on a dime. I cannot promise you when it will happen. I offer no magic formulas. I know from experience that when you seek God enough, pray long enough, and stay the course enough until the divinely ordained moment, everything can turn on a dime. I mean everything. 

It could be an email. A phone call. A divinely appointed conversation. A Bible verse. A song. A private God encounter or an encounter with God in a public worship service. It might be a check in the mail, a gift vehicle, a gift home, a new purpose or new direction. What looks impossible can turn on a dime. Closed doors can open inexplicably. Dead ends can open up into highways like in [Exodus 14]. Rivers can flow in a desert and roads through a wilderness like in [Is 43:18-19] I exhort you not to give up and lose heart. EVERYTHING CAN TURN ON A DIME WHEN GOD SHOWS UP. 

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