Monday, April 29, 2024

Rough Around the Edges

 Today was set aside for some pastoral visits. One of the families I visited is going through some trials. The husband commented, "God says He want put more on us than we can handle, but it sure gets rough around the edges." It is rough around the edges for this family. Life is rough around the edges. 

One thing I have learned in my pastoral ministry. Life is rough. Suffering and sin take a toll. A person is going through life on cruise control when out of nowhere a sudden health issue like a heart attack, diabetes, strokes, cancer, Alzheimers and a host of other things that can blindside us. Add to that the devastation of death and divorce, and life can get really tumultuous. 

Jesus did not sugar coat things when He said,"In this world you will have tribulation." Life hits hard. It can knock you to your knees and sucker punch you. No NFL linebacker hits harder than life. There are stretches when it is hard to endure. When a person might feel as hopeless as a person stranded in the middle of the ocean with no life preserver. We do have a life preserver. We have a Lifeguard who is always standing watch. His name if Jesus Christ. 

Jesus the Lord did say we would have tribulation in this world. He also said something else. Something we all need to take to heart. He said in John 16:33, "These things I have spoken to you so that in Me you may have peace." Tranquility of mind and heart. A calm center. We cannot control what life throws at us. We can control our response. Leaning into Jesus we can trudge through the tough times with peace. 

I encounter suffering people all the time. Some suffer in anxiety, stress, and resentment. Some take suffering in stride leaning into the peace that surpasses all understanding that only Jesus can provide. The latter suffer with faith, hope, joy, and resiliency. Others suffer and turn to crutches and vices to help them muddle through. Often toxic destructive vices. 

Life is rough around the edges. Relational strains occur. Difficulties descend into our lives like rain. Financial woes can deplete the checking and saving accounts wiping out in days what took years to save. Children can bring the highest of joys as well as heart wrenching sorrows. Struggles with sin impact more than just the sinner. The effects can ripple to loved ones too. 

Pressing through life is not for sissies. Just two years ago a pandemic changed the entire world in a matter of weeks. Phrases were thrown around like the new normal, social distancing, shelter in place, and mandatory vaccinations. The entire world operated in fear. Loved ones got sick, some hospitalized, and sadly some died. Others are still living with the lingering affects of Covid-19. We isolated. We grew more anxious. People approached life more cautiously. 

In that same John 16:33 passage, Jesus said another thing. "Take courage; I have overcome the world." Take courage. Seize courage. Choose courage. Operate courageously. Is courage the absence of fear? Courage is defined as the ability to do something that frightens you. It is also strength in the face of pain or grief. 

The person living with rheumatoid arthritis takes courage every time they take another step with sharp excruciating pain shooting through their joints. The cancer patient who endures another round of treatments bravely is taking courage. The single parent trying to hold it together after the unexpected death of a spouse is living courageously. The student with learning disabilities, who works harder than other students to keep their grades up, is living courageously. The person refusing to live as a victim recovering from abuse is a person of courage. The soldier on the battle field, and first responders called to harmful situations are living courageously. So is the sold out soldier of Jesus who takes the gospel message to the front lines of prostitutes, junkies, gangsters, and the homeless. The worn and weary pastor, who shepherds suffering sheep and tirelessly prepares messages week after week without seeing results, but does not lose heart also takes courage. 

It is true life is rough around the edges. It is also true that Jesus helps us through it. He offers the strength and peace to get His followers through the tough stuff. For that reason, we still have hope. Things may not be easy, but we are not left to trudge through the trials alone. Jesus makes the hard edges a bit smoother along the way. 

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