Monday, June 20, 2022

What Is A Man?

 There is a lot of uncertainty out in society about gender identification. The arguments are complex. The stances are entrenched and the feelings are passionate and volatile. It is not that difficult. The truth is, it is very simple. You can read it for yourself in Genesis 1:27. In that passage it clearly states that God created them MALE and FEMALE. God determines gender. Period. 

I came across a phrase this past week I had not heard before. TOXIC MASCULINITY. It means to be aggressive, dominant, courageous, and powerful. These things are seen as something bad in males. Whoever came up with this term prefers a more passive, submissive, and weak brand of men. There is an all out assault on masculinity. Like people want men to apologize for being men. If you do not believe me just pay attention to men in sitcoms. They appear stupid and incompetent in comparison to their female counterparts who appear smart and leaders of the family. 

God created men with the intrinsic nature to be aggressive to defend who and what they love. Men are dominant so they can ruthlessly fight evil to protect those they love. Men are powerful and courageous through their Creator God to go into battle when needed, to risk life and limb to rescue those in danger. These are all things God put in men. They are not traits to be ashamed of. Yes, any of those traits can be taken to extremes which could cause harm. I am not talking about that. I am referring to these traits used within boundaries to provide, protect and brave the cruel world for those they love. 

Manhood is not cursing the loudest, guzzling the Devil's brew of alcohol the most, driving the biggest truck, having the most toys, being at the top of the company, or having the biggest salary. Being a man has nothing to do with those things. Being a man, more importantly God's man, has to do with being in a right relationship with God. Leading his family into a right relationship with God. Providing for and protecting his family. Being a man of integrity. Loving his wife and being available to his children. All of those are part of what it really means to be a man. 

When does a boy become a man? At puberty? When he gets a driver's license? Once he starts making a living for himself? When he gets married and starts his own family? There is not a definite time in a boy's life in America when he knows he has stepped into manhood. What I see all around is a lot of grown up boys in men's bodies still acting foolish. Given to playing video games like kids, chasing more toys like kids, partying like teenagers, and acting immature as well as irresponsible. 

Things only get worse when little boys grow up without a father present. I am a product of such a home. I did not have a man to show me how to turn wrenches, build things with saws and hammers, be responsible, how to shake another man's hand, look them in the eye when talking, and numerous other things. Boys without fathers are crippled in many ways. Not one time in my life have I ever heard a man say, "I love you my son. I am proud of you my son." I have never known the love of a father. I have known the love of a Heavenly Father. [PS 68:5]

Just before King David died he spoke to his son Solomon who would become the next king. You can read about that in [I Kings 2:1-3]. David told Solomon to be strong, act like a man, and to keep God's commands. Pretty good advice for men today. 

I once went through a study for men where they tried to define what it means to be a man. I asked many men young and old that question this past week. I got answers all over the place. Some could not answer. How can men behave like men if they do not know what a man really is? A real man will be a courageous leader for his family, one who accepts responsibility for providing and protecting those he lovers. He will also be a warrior willing to fight evil to protect those he loves. Real men should also be tender to express love for the God who created him and those people he loves. May God raise real men in this hell bent society. 

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