Monday, June 6, 2022

Holy Spirit Rain Down

 Last night was all about tracing the Holy Spirit from Pentecost to the 17th chapter of Acts. God started a revolution through the once cowardly disciples. Once they were filled with the Holy Spirit, they were emboldened and given a passion for proclaiming the name of Jesus in a hostile culture. 

The hostile culture did not always receive them favorably. They were threatened to quit teaching and preaching. They were beaten. Imprisoned. Some even killed to silence the movement. It had the opposite effect. None of it deterred them. They stayed true to the mission. Through Holy Ghost empowering they went from about 120 to several thousands in new converts. They had no buildings to meet in. They did not have any programs other than prayer, the Old Testament, and evangelism. All of that was more than enough to start a world-wide movement that is still going strong today. 

When the invitation was extended, Sherman Aten sat down at the piano and sang a song I have not heard in years. "Holy Spirit rain down." I sat on the front pew singing that song as a prayer with a longing heart. With all the yearning in my soul. We also sang "Spirt of the living God fall fresh on me." These were much more than songs of praise. They were desperate cries from a church longing for more. Wanting to be used more. 

Acts 17:6 (NASB)
6  When they did not find them, they began dragging Jason and some brethren before the city authorities, shouting, "These men who have upset the world have come here also;

Let that verse sink in. These few disciples who fled from Jesus when he was arrested, upset the world. Other translations use the phrase, "They turned the world upside down." They impacted the world. They began a gospel revolution that grew into a worldwide movement still going strong. They had no money. No facilities to meet in. No church organization. Certainly, no denominational leadership to push their agenda. They had no programs to help them in their mission. No Sunday School classes. No cutting edge technology. Nothing but the power of God through the Holy Spirit and a relentless zeal to fulfill Acts 1:8. 

Last night, all of that filled my heart and mind as we sang for the Holy Spirit to rain down among us. He is stirring in our midst. The atmosphere is thick with His presence during the invitations. The congregation often is unable to sing due to praying. Conviction is high. Repentance often falls from the lips of those in attendance. At times, we just sit in silence before our God. I am not uncomfortable in the silence. 

I cannot fully explain why God holds back the fullness of His Spirit among us. He is definitely working. The Spirit is swirling overhead. Like when the wind picks up right before a storm comes. Just like last week when we received a soaking rain while two of our deacons were out mowing. They both got drenched. In the same way, I cry out for God to come drench us in the rain of His Spirit. To soak us to the bones. To saturate our souls with revival fire. 

I received a text yesterday from someone who watched the service online. He commented, "Do not despise the small beginnings for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin..." It may be a small beginning now, but I am believing for so much more.

The meetings continue nightly at 7:00 pm. We will continue until God has done all He intends to do. 

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