Monday, April 11, 2022

Camp Meeting Devotions - Day Forty-Two

1 Peter 5:7 (NASB)
7  casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you.

There are nearly eight billion on this planet. All with their unique circumstances. Each with their own burdens, worries and concerns. Out of those people this morning do not miss this truth. God cares for you. He is concerned with you and whatever is going on in your life. 

What are you anxious about today? What keeps you up at night? What troubles you these days? We all have something. Something that weighs heavy on our minds and hearts. Something that is so heavy we cannot bear the load alone. 

The admonition is to cast all our anxieties on God. To cast those means to expel them and send them away. Like a troubled student who disrupts class over and over again with outbursts of anger, fighting, and disrupting class can be expelled from attending. In the same way, we need to expel our anxieties as unwanted and unwelcomed intruders into our lives. Those anxieties that disturb and disrupt must be sent away. 

How often do we do just the opposite? Instead of casting them away we dwell on them keeping them at the forefront of our thoughts. These worries worm their way into our musings night and day. This causes stress which causes ulcers, sleepless nights and despair. The exhortation is to cast all our anxieties on Him. Each one. The whole of them. 

Our Lord Jesus compassionately cares about each one of us. He is not distantly concerned from afar and unable to do anything to help. He is up close. He offers comfort, strength, wisdom, relief, forgiveness, provision, and refuge to His children. Out of all the people in the world, He has not forgotten about us. He is aware of our troubles and cares deeply. 

How long will we allow anxiety to hold us hostage? Isn't today a good day to send away whatever worries us. Let this be the day we expel heavy burdens from the classroom of our minds so we can be free. Once those worrisome concerns are expelled, we must not open the door and let them back in. They must be sent away to Him, our God and the great principal of the universe. Then we can live, sleep, work, and serve Him in peace. 

  • What troubles you today? How is this impacting your life?
  • Identify what needs to be expelled from your thoughts?
  • Do you feel like God cares for you? What evidence do you have of this?
  • Read Ps 55:22 and pray through the truth of that verse. 

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