Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Camp Meeting Devotions - Day Forty-Three

 2 Timothy 4:10 (NASB)

10  for Demas, having loved this present world, has deserted me and gone to Thessalonica; Crescens has gone to Galatia, Titus to Dalmatia. 

The Bible does not say a great deal about Demas. We know he was a companion of Paul on some of his journeys. We also know he abandoned Paul. The only motivation given for his forsaking the mission work is that he loved the present world. 

Following Jesus is not easy. Jesus paid a price for our redemption. It stands to reason that there would be a price for us following Him. Paul understood this price. He endured persecution in many towns where he preached the gospel facing fierce opposition. More than once angry mobs tried to kill him. Once they almost succeeded. 

Being a companion of Paul on those journeys could not have been easy. Paul writes about this in II Cor 24-28. They were often in danger. Danger from the Jews who wanted Paul stopped. Danger from the Gentiles who saw Paul as a threat to profitable pagan religions. They were constantly on the move. Often without proper shelter. So shivering in the cold at night and the grumblings of hunger pangs made sleep nearly impossible. Paul and his companions, including Demas on some of those journeys, did not enjoy a life of comfort or ease. They endured hardships. They saw God moved powerfully. They also suffered for the Savior. 

Paul was so driven that he pressed through these hardships. Paul summed up his whole life mission in Acts 20:24. He lived to preach the gospel and see others saved. No matter what danger he had to face. The same cannot be said of Demas. 

He loved the present world. He loved the comforts, pleasures, and safety of the world which lured him away from the hardships of serving with Paul. Working with Paul must have felt like a sure death sentence. Paul did not care about his own safety. Surely he had little concern about the safety of those who followed him. Who knows how long Demas entertained leaving Paul. 

One day he did it. He followed through and walked away from Paul. That means he fell away, departed, let go, and left. He would not be the last. At one point Paul wrote, all have deserted me and no one stood with him. There are many who are falling away these days. Pastors. Worship pastors. Teachers. Evangelists. Apologists. Deacons. Husbands and wives. Students. These let go of their relationship with Jesus surrendering to a life of unbridled hedonism. They forsake Jesus in lieu of the passing pleasures of this world. 

Our adversary the Devil is there to tempt, deceive, entice, and ensnare once faithful followers of Jesus to fall away. He picks them off like ducks on a pond. He starts with a thought in the mind. A thought to give into temptation to surrender to sin. The thought takes root and becomes a dwelling thought which hatches into a plan. The plan to fall away is carefully considered until the day of departure arrives. Throwing caution to the wind, just like Adam and Eve when they ate the forbidden fruit, people choose to desert Jesus and His church. 

Love of this present world has been the undoing of many who were once on fire for the Lord. In moments of weakness, they let their guard down and departed the faith. They left the God they loved because the adornments of the world enticed them more. These shimmering shining allurements turn out to be a bear trap. Painfully clamped down unsuspectingly and prodigals are trapped. They are unable to free themselves. The life of comfort and easy promised by Lucifer proves to be a lie. Needless pain and problems are created because people fall away from the Lord. 

All are susceptible. Life's journeys are filled with the land mines of temptation and demonic traps. The way of Jesus is often hard. Trying. Filled with tests. Faced with multiple mountains. God did not put a falling away heart in us. He gives us endurance. He instills us with grit to grind through the tough seasons. 

The choice is presented, will we be like Paul or follow the example of Demas? One path seems easier and better. Does it lead to a bear trap? One path appears hard and dangerous. Does it lead to eternal life?

  • Have you entertained thoughts lately of falling away from Jesus? If so, have you gone so far as to make a plan of action?
  • Plead with God to open your eyes to the tricks of the Devil.
  • Choose today to believe God and follow Him wherever He leads.

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