Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Lowest Numbers Since WW II

 The experts have gathered in think tanks to discuss the problem. Analyst have studied the data and reported their findings. The strategists dream and scheme new ways to turn the tide in the downward trend. By all accounts, all past efforts have not been overly successful. These same experts have been trying to reverse the trend for decades. It has proved to be an exercise in futility. 

People explain all the reasons why. Excuses are made from the changing culture, the economy and of course this year blame will be cast on the Corona pandemic. Each of these may play a contributing factor, but in my opinion are not the main culprit.

A plethora of books have been written on the subject. Seminars and conferences have come and gone. Multiple high ranking officials have spoken on the topic of turning the cycle around. All to little or no avail. Sure, there have been pockets where certain spots have out performed the rest of the nation. By and far as a whole, the facts are in: we are at the lowest level since World War II. 

What am I referring to, you might ask. The total number of baptisms in the Southern Baptist Convention for the year 2019. I cast no stones. Spring Creek is certainly not helping matters. Our baptism numbers have been dismal. Not that I have not shared Jesus with many. Sadly, I can only report leading three people to faith in Christ this year. One of them was my youngest son. One of the others has shown no fruit and I am suspect if their conversion was genuine, or whether they just went through the motions. 

Jesus is Lord of the harvest. He said the harvest is plentiful. He did not say the harvest was plentiful. There are people ready to be saved. His indictment. The laborers are few. 

Take for example in the Southern Baptist Convention. The total membership of all congregations combined is 14.5 million. Any faithful attender knows these numbers are misleading. Many people may have their names on the church roles, but are not actively attending. SBC churches report the weekly active worshipers at 5.2 million. The total number of baptisms for 2019 came in at 235,748. Do the math. This reiterates Jesus point. The workers are few. 

If just half of those active attenders led someone else to saving faith in Jesus, that would be mean somewhere over 2.5 million new believers and millions of baptisms. Alas, the workers are few. 

God has granted me the opportunity to witness for Him more this year than any year in recent memory. He is Lord of the harvest. I know in due time, He will allow me to reap some of that harvest for His glory. I trust Him to reverse the trend at Spring Creek and across the nation. He is already doing this in other nations around the world. I trust He will move that way in our country. I pray for more workers to labor in the fields. 

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