Monday, December 14, 2020

And This Too Shall Pass

 The words were painful to hear. "I feel alone." Because of the Corona virus a person reached out to me to share her feelings. She cannot get out. She works from home. She feels isolated and disconnected. To put it in her words, "I feel so sad."

I wonder how many other people are feeling the same way. Isolated. Disconnected from family and friends. Barricaded inside trying to stay safe from the dreaded Corona virus. Even with those measures in place, many still have succumbed and suffered. It is unlike anything most of us have ever lived through before in our lifetimes. There seems to be no immediate end in sight. 

Is there any hope? I am not talking about the vaccines. Many researchers are warning against these vaccines, while the company line is to take them. Is there any hope from God? From His word to get us through these challenging days?

I prayed about that very issue in response to the lady who feels so alone. The truth is even if we are the sole occupant in our homes, the child of God is not alone. God is a constant presence. He is there. He is available. He is accessible. 

I get it though. Sometimes we need to hear another audible voice. At times, people need a hug, a pat on the back, a shoulder to cry on, a listening ear, a kind word and a warm smile. God created us to be in community. When that community is broken, it impacts our lives in negative ways. Depression. Loneliness. Thoughts of does anyone really care. 

Case in point is the fact that suicidal thoughts have rapidly increased during this time. We may not be getting together like we used to, but we can still make contact. We can make phone calls. We can send cards and letters. We can FaceTime people. We can send encouraging texts. We can zoom family and friends. While there are many things we cannot do, there are also many things we can do. 

We can pass on words of truth from the Bible to brighten someone's day. Today I choose to pass on the 23rd Psalm. It is good for whatever ails you. There is peace and rest. There is comfort in adversity. There is love and protection of God. You may have memorized this Psalm as a youngster. I challenge you go and read it again. Read it slowly and prayerfully asking God to minister to your heart. Read it meditatively applying the healing truth to your hurting soul. 

The Lord is your shepherd. You shall not want. He causes you to lie down in green pastures and rest beside still waters. He restores the soul and leads down paths of righteousness. Even if you have to walk through the valley of the shadow of death, you do not have to fear evil for God is with you. Let that truth sink in. God is with you. Right now. Right where you are. In whatever you are facing. He is with you. His rod and staff comfort. He prepares a table for you in the midst of your enemies. He anoints your head with oil and he fills your cup to overflowing. Most assuredly His goodness and mercy shall dog your feet and footprints all the days of your life. One day it will be safe to return to the house of the Lord. In the end, all true children of God will dwell in God's eternal house in Heaven forever. 

May those truths see my friend and you through some sad days. May those truths bolster sagging faith. May His word sustain in sadness. 

I love what a friend of mine often says, "And this too shall pass." She suffers with chronic illness requiring multiple doctor visits and hospital stays. She and her husband tragically lost a son who died in a fire. She knows about suffering and sadness. God's word has sustained her through much sadness and suffering. Maybe her words on top of God's word will help you through these difficult days. "And this too shall pass."

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