Thursday, February 20, 2020


I could not find the patient at the hospital. The registration desk had no record for that person. I texted several people to no avail. Eventually I sat in the lobby in a lounge chair to wait for one other response. I laid my head back against the chair and closed my eyes. People visited in the corridor. Many walked toward their destination. People scurried about like squirrels.

I started praying and sitting before the Lord. It had been a hectic morning. Three hospital visits in a row. I had rushed all morning long to get to each one. For the first time that day I exhaled my business and inhaled the presence of God. Then I heard it. A soft sound I had not noticed previously. The more I tuned in the more distinct the sound became. I listened more intently, and came to the conclusion there was no mistake. I heard the sound of trickling water.

I concentrated on that sound. Soon every other sound got drowned out of my ears, except the trickling water. I felt total tranquility. I felt relaxed, content and refreshed in that lobby. The sound of that water, along with sitting with God, totally erased the stress from navigating Fort Worth rush hour traffic, parking garages and trying to find each of the patients.

We all need times when we sit still before God, and let His tranquility wash over us. He might do it through a song, a slow walk in nature, sitting back in an office chair for some prayer, visit to a prayer room or even listening to soft sounds of trickling water. I am thankful for God's tranquility. If I had sat there longer I am sure I could have drifted off to sleep blissfully.

My little tranquil sanctuary was interrupted by a family member telling me where to find the patient. Then, it was off and running again. I am grateful for those beautiful tranquil moments in the lobby of a metropolitan hospital. God is everywhere, and waits to be discovered and enjoyed. His tranquility is available to all who seek Him. I thank Him for it.

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