Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Mother Mystery

Truth is stranger than fiction. Here is a real head scratcher. A Christian university held a chapel service. This is not uncommon. Brenda and I were required to attend chapel services at Howard Payne University as well. Typically, some guest is invited to preach, teach, or share during the chapel hour.

The college I am writing about did the same. A very old prestigious university with a rich heritage. A friend of mine who graduated from there relayed the following information there. A liberal lady preacher was invited to come speak to the students. She definitely had a liberal agenda. She actually prayed to open and close her talk to the "Mother Mystery."

I could not believe what I read. I remind you this famous university has launched many preachers who became champions of the faith and led powerful churches. The school was founded by one of those famous preachers. You may have already guessed I am talking about Baylor University. Founded by B.H. Carroll. Baylor produced such preachers as George W. Truett who pastored First Baptist Church Dallas for 47 years. W.A. Criswell also graduated from Baylor who followed Truett at FBC Dallas and remained for 50 years. Interestingly enough Baylor also the alma mater of Robert Jeffress who currently pastors at FBC Dallas.

Louie Giglio and David Crowder both attended Baylor, and are both being used mightily of God today to reach college students and young adults.

What in the world was Baylor thinking inviting a liberal who refused to pray to Jesus or in His name, but rather addressed her prayer to Mother Mystery. Professing to be wise that lady made herself look foolish. The leaders of Baylor have turned far from their original intent of B.H. Carroll. The progressive liberal agenda has found a nesting place in a once theologically conservative institution. It is a tragic fact. Those in charge there will have much to answer for from Yahweh. not Mother Mystery. May God help those young preacher students not be infected with such nonsense.

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