Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Power Of Wind

Yesterday morning about nine a cold front hit. You could not miss it. The temperatures dropped rapidly. The winds changed directions blustering from the north. The trees danced in the wind. Leaves swirled in the air raining back to the ground. The chill behind those winds had a bite that went to the bones. 

The lake tossed and turned with white capped waves beind those winds. I could actually feel the vehicle being pushed behind the winds. 

Wind is a pwerful force. This is evidenced after a tornado or hurricane. Wind can be destructive. It can also be harnessed for good like a windmill or the sails on a ship. 

I find it interesting that on the day of Pentecost, when God released the Holy Spirit for His followers, it came in the form of a mighty rushing wind. 

I meditate on that this morning. How I yearn to hoist the sails of my life, and for Spring Creek to hoist our sails as a church, so that we might catch the fresh wind of God blowing in our midst. He has the power to lead us to undescribable enounters. He has the power to blow through communities convicting and saving the lost. He has the power to breathe life into valleys of dry bones. He can blow empowering us to serve Him. He can blow new life into us. 

I yearn for that. I yearn to catch the wind of His Spirit and let Him drive me and Spring Creek into greater encounters with Him. To drive us into more effective service. To fuel us to serve with endurance. May the Lord help us to get harnessed to His power.

Acts 2:1-2 (NASB)
 When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place.
2  And suddenly there came from heaven a noise like a violent rushing wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Praise the Lord! He has started to blow in! He's been speaking to the Body of this new move (you've shared the dreams/visions of this). We're finally here, He's blowing in any hour now. Lord bless you brother.
