Thursday, March 26, 2020

Wake Up

These are strange times we are living in. So much information. So much fear. So much debate. Sometimes it's hard to know what to believe or even who to believe.

For a long time the American church slept. Drowsy from plush offerings, good attendance, successful programs, sprinkled with a few baptisms. Pastors preached to felt needs to tickle the ears. Words like repentance, fasting, solemn assemblies, watchman and watchwoman became foreign concepts.

Then the American bubble burst. At first, it was self quarantine. Then it became more forced. Food shortages set in. Businesses were forced closed. Our beloved sporting events cancelled. Entertainment suspended. Then followed churches closing the doors holding virtual worship. In some places travel got banned. The economy once robust is failing. People are laid off from work. These are times like most of us have never experienced.

It is time to wake up. It is time to shake off sleepy eyed groggy focus. There are millions of Christians in this country who pledge love and allegiance to God. What if we all, not a remnant, but the overwhelming majority agree to pray two simple things. God stop the virus in its tracks. God use us to win people to Jesus. Isn't God more powerful than a virus? Does He still rule and reign with authority over this entire universe?

God has more power in His spoken word than all the man made power combined. 9Jer 32:17 One word from Him and the virus halts and the economy kick starts. Matt 8:1-3. Mark 11:23-24

How do you get millions of people to agree to pray two simple things? First, you wake them up. What we are facing is bigger than any of us. It is not bigger than God and our collective faith and intercessions for a miraculous intervention. Think of the glory He would get. Second, you ask. You ask people to go to war against this virus.

Wake up America to the power God has put within your reach to pray. To intercede. To petition. To travail. It is not time to sleep. It is time to pray. I am practicing what I preach. I was asked earlier today to get eight men to join me in praying God stop the virus and use us to win lost souls. I don't know where the movement started, but the goal is to get One million people agreeing in prayer. I am going beyond eight. I am asking all of you, men and women to wake up and pray with us.

As soon as I post this, I'm headed for the prayer room. If the church awakens to take our place as the army of God marching forward on our knees praying, we will see God work dramatically and turn this whole thing around. Will you join in with many others? What if we had several million praying that little prayer? God stop the virus. God use us to win many people to Jesus.

I will get eight. You ask eight to join you and challenge them to find eight. Who knows what God will do for a nation crying out to Him unified. I sure look forward to finding out. Wake up and take your post. Let the miracle begin and manifest. All for the glory of God.

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