Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Revival Starved America

I just had lunch with a full time evangelist friend of mine. Typically he is not busy this time of year, and we had a chance to catch up. It had been months since we last saw one another.

I am always interested in his work. What he reported shocked me. He has been in full time traveling ministry for 28 years. In the past he reported how he used to book revivals 40-45 weeks a year. He said he only had 10 in 2019. He only has 3 scheduled for 2020. He supplements by doing mission work overseas and leading a few conferences.

We talked a long time about how few churches have revival meetings anymore. We really could not identify one specific reason why revival meetings are nearly extinct.

I know over the years slick evangelists who came to fleece the pockets of the flock soured many pastors and churches on revival meetings. Prophets came seeking a profit.

People also changed. Fewer and fewer people would commit to multiple night meetings.

To be honest, some revival meetings I've attended and even preached did not bear much fruit.

For all these reasons and more the old time revival meetings are just about gone. The church in general in not impacting our society to turn our hell bent nation around. Some churches are on life support. They barely stay afloat and do not reach people. They are ineffective, but they still gather. Others are big well oiled ministry machines. They are places filled with bustling activities and programs. Those programs are tailored to every possible age group. Even with these mega churches, our society continues to drift further away from God.

Look at the morale ground lost in our generation. Things are flaunted in the open we would never have dreamed about , or even done in secret just a few decades ago. The judicial system is corrupt and legislating with their interpretation of the law. Scientific and technological advances are not leading the masses closer to God, but further away.

Most churches are plateaued or declining in attendance. The baptism statistics are declining. America is revival starved, and it seems the American church is content to remain in this condition.

I AM NOT! God intends to do more. I want to believe Him for more than the putrid pathetic programs we offer to substitute for the dynamic power and passion of God poured out over a congregation.

Something has to change. We need revival. We must return from where we have fallen. We must repent and cry out to God. He is our only hope.

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