Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Creative Genius

Have you ever watched a creative genius at work. They get an idea in their mind and go to making a masterpiece. The paint with brush strokes to put on canvas what they see in their mind. The sculpture artist will take hammer and chisel to carve out a statue. The potter will carefully craft a vessel with skilled hands of precision. The carpenter can take plans and turn them into a beautiful structure.

Have you ever thought about the creative genius of God. Take for example the Genesis 1 account. He could have done everything we read recorded in that chapter, but done it all in black and white. The creative genius of God just to add color to this world. Rich blues. Bright reds and oranges. Yellows and greens. Purple and white. All these colors make up vivid scenery to look at.

Next, think about His genius in creating plant life. I am talking about trees, flowers, plants and grass. Stop for a moment and think about all the different species of trees. Pine trees, oak trees, cotton wood trees, cedar trees, palm trees and red oak trees just to name a few. What about all the species of flowers? Roses, daisies, sunflowers, carnations and blue bonnets. There are multiple types of grass. All held in the mind of God at creation.

Dare we talk about the animals in the oceans, rivers and lakes? What about the animals that fly through the air, and those that roam around on the ground. Pandas, giraffes, gorillas, lions, antelope, turtles, bears, whales, bass, dogs, monkeys, horses, frogs, hippopotamus, seahorses, starfish, cows and kangaroos. The creative genius of God to create all those is mind boggling. Each different in shape, purpose, characteristics and habitat. On top of that, He created an ecosystem that harmonizes all the different animals.

Then He created men and women. He created them in His image. Astounding. Amazing. Stunning. People would relate with Him. They would get to know their creator and commune with Him. Over time they would learn to rebel against Him, and be restored to Him.

God did all this with just His spoken words. He spoke all of creation into existence. His power is without limits. Simply stunning.

I challenge you to go and read Genesis chapter one again. Meditate on the power and genius of God in creation. If He, and since He did all that, He can handle whatever you are facing today.

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