Thursday, May 2, 2019

The Door Of Opportunity

What will you do when the door of opportunity knocks. Many people are so comfortable where they are doing what they're doing they do not even open the door. Others open it to look outside but quickly shut it because opportunity does not always come with security or guarantees. What do you do? Do you ignore opportunity? Do you entertain it?

God sets opportunities before us all the time. What we choose to do with them in large part may determine our usefulness to Him. To a person constantly praying about seeing people get saved and, when God presents the opportunity to share your faith and you do not respond, it would appear that was a wasted opportunity. The same thing can happen on the job. It might happen with a chance to get involved in a new ministry or to sign up for a mission trip.

God gave Israel an opportunity to possess the promised land. 12 spies were sent out. By a vote of 10-2 the spies opted not to possess the land. An opportunity lost. Jonah opted to follow God's call to go to Nineveh. We all know how that worked out for him. Jonah got a second chance. He received a second opportunity to do the work of God and God blessed Jonah's preaching immensely.

When God puts an opportunity before us what should we do? Should we jump in with both feet? Should we wait seeking wisdom? Should we dismiss the whole thing and walk away? I offer some brief counsel at this point.

1.  Pray. Pray seeking the mind and heart of God on the matter. He longs to reveal His plans more than we long to know them. [Amos 3:7] [Jer 33:3]

2.  Read Scripture. One of the ways to best know the mind and heart of God is by reading His word. Read diligently until God reveals what He desires you to do with the opportunity. [Ps 119:105]

3. Seek Godly Counsel. Much wisdom can be found by talking to other people who walk with God and getting their perspective, and hopefully God's perspective, when seek their counsel. [Prov 15:22]

4. Wait For Peace. Wait for the peace of God before jumping into an opportunity. Remember every good idea is not always God's idea. [Phil 4:6-7]

5. Step Out In Faith.  When all the above line up it is reasonable for you to step out in faith into your opportunity. When you have prayed, read scripture and received direction, sought Godly counsel and waited for God's peace a step of faith may still be required. [II Cor 5:7]

Not every opportunity is from God. Some could be sent as a distraction. Obviously an attractive person sent to you making sexual innuendos is not an opportunity from God but a temptation from Satan if that person is not your spouse. You must know the difference. On the other hand, just because an opportunity looks risky does not mean it didn't come from God. The Bible is filled with stories of people whom God led to take risks for Him. Learn to discern the difference.

When God sends opportunity open the door and respond in faith. When it comes in the form of temptation shut the door and flee the opposite direction. May the Lord open our eyes to the opportunities all around us and may He lead us to respond in faith.

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