Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Heavy Blows

As a child I enjoyed watching boxing. I loved Sugar Ray Leonard and many of the heavyweight fighters. In each match, as the fight wore on, the heavy body blows took a toll. Heavy punches to the midsection seemed to suck the wind and energy out of the other puncher. In the beginning those blows may not have seemed to make a difference but they took their toll in the latter rounds.

Heavy handed punches to the solar plexus wore down the opponent. The same thing happens in life. Brenda and I have been dealt some heavy blows in recent days. Nothing concerning us. It is the heavy blows of what is happening to people around us we love. Sufferings abound. Sorrows increase. Sickness is rampant. Sin takes a toll.

The blows are so heavy it produces a sickening sensation. Sleep has been fitful waking up off an on in the night with intercessions. The grief of the burdens are heavy to bear.

We choose to enter into other's pain. When one part of the body suffers and hurts the rest of the body should share in that pain. That is what Paul wrote in I Corinthians 12. Yet the heavy blows of personal trials added with other's takes a toll.

A deep sadness sinks into the soul. Tears well up. The burden weighs so heavily it is hard to breathe. Such burdens must be cast on the Lord. [Ps 55:22] We cannot bear the weight alone.

It is hard to watch people you love grieve, hurt, suffer, get sick, lose heart, and reap the consequences of sinful choices. If you care about people you can't help but enter into the heavy blows of their pain. Such blows take a toll. There is a price to be paid for loving others.

We have a choice. We can choose to ignore the pain of others and not get involved. We can keep others at arm's length away from us so we are not affected by their pain. We could do that. Jesus didn't. Nobody entered into other's pain more than He did. We are to follow His example.

Life hits harder than any boxer. I see it everywhere. Heavy blows land with a crushing thud leaving people dazed and disoriented. In such times the followers of Jesus need God and need the people of God. It is not an easy assignment to enter into other's sufferings. It is what we are called to do. It takes courage to care and have compassion for those hurting. Many times there are no easy answers. The problems are seldom solved over night. It takes stamina to see people through to healing and wholeness.

The heavy blows are real. So is the love of God manifested through His people. Choose to love. Choose to care. Choose to withstand the punishment that comes with those choices.

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