Sunday, April 21, 2019

Happy Resurrection Day

Today we celebrate that Jesus rose from the dead and left the grave. Hallelujah! He is risen! He is alive! Seated at the right hand of the Father waiting to come back and get His bride.

As I write this many still sleep. They slept that night as well.  I can't help but think back so long ago when Jesus' lifeless body lay in the grave. People grieved. Hope dissipated for His followers. The miracle worker Jesus appeared silenced forever. Not so. Not so in the least. God woke His beloved Son from the death sleep.

This day is not about bunnies and eggs. It is about a resurrected King, Lord and Savior. It is about the power of the resurrected Christ to defeat sin and hell for millions and millions who believed, are still believing and will believe in the future for salvation. This day is not even about family getting together. It is about a triumphant resurrected Christ. It is about serving a living Master and not a dead religion.

The proof is the empty tomb. Some will argue the disciples stole His body. Unlikely being the tomb was both sealed and guarded by Roman soldiers. The same soldiers who were paid hush money to fabricate the stolen body theory. It was and still is a cover up.

Mary and Mary saw Him alive up from the grave. The disciples saw him on more than one occasion. Two walking to Emmaus saw and talked with Him. 500 others saw Him alive.

I have encountered Him as well. I have never seen Him. I have felt Him. I have heard Him. I have been transformed by Him. I have been empowered by Him. HE IS ALIVE! I hope to spend the rest of my days proclaiming that truth. So, HAPPY RESURRECTION DAY!

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