Friday, December 15, 2023


 The word send can be defined as ordered or instructed to go to a particular destination or in a certain direction. God sits on His throne looking to send people to fulfill His assignments on planet earth. 

Today, He sent me to a hospital to minister to a 90 year old patient. We sat and talked for a good while. He later sent me to make a phone call to pray for a mother who just learned her son had broken his leg. Now He is sending me to write this in hopes that it might touch someone out there needing a reminder that God is still there and listening. 

God sees every event in the world in real time. Not one single crisis, calamity, or critical need is lost. He has perfect record of every single one of them. He sees those torn by war and strife between Israel and Palestine. He is aware of those suffering in Ukraine and Russia. He knows the name of every single homeless person scraping for food to eat and shelter from the winter weather. He takes note of everyone who has lost a job and desperate to make ends meet. 

He knows the families stressed to the maximum levels because of limited funds this Christmas season. He sees the ones sitting beside the bedsides of aging parents, sickly children, and those battling the last chapters of life alone. God sees the teenager who just learned she is pregnant and her world is crashing in on her. He sees the homosexual who wants to be delivered badly, but feels trapped and cannot find a way of escape. He sees the Christian tormented with doubts about whether God is real and the Bible is true. He sees the broken pastor who no longer has hope, has preached his heart out, but sees no fruit for his labors. He sees the family gripped in crisis and abandoned by ones they thought were their friends. 

God sees the abused child. The one who is neglected, unloved, unwanted, and unconfident. God sees the one trapped in addiction. The one who keeps coming back to substance abuse over and over again even after months and years of sobriety. God sees the one living a secret life and working feverishly to hide it from those in the church. Respected people in places of leadership engaged in secret shameful sin. God sees. 

Here is the point. God does more than just see. He also sends. He singles out people with the right experience, the right gifting, the right temperament, and the right resources to help those in need. He nudes people to go and to live on mission for Him. God sends people for divinely appointed missions. Sometimes the missions look impossible. God specializes in making impossible things possible. He does not always send the most qualified. He qualifies the ones He sends. 

God is looking for people to send right now at this very moment. He probes messages through the Holy Spirit to connect His heart for the needy through those who are available. Maybe today you are the one in need. God knows your name, your address, and your specific need. He is able to send someone to help no matter how forgotten you think you are. 

Perhaps today you are the one available to be sent. You are willing to obey God's whispers to connect God's desire to help someone through you. You have given God your yes and you wait for His marching orders. All you need is a direction to go. He will show you in His perfect timing. 

What happens when God sends people is miraculous. God connects the prayers of some with those He chooses to send to meet the need. God did this with Paul through a Macedonian vision of a man calling for help. God sent Paul to be that help. God does that numerous times through people who have extra finances to share, people who have the ability to give away vehicles, or even houses. God connects people who hold the keys to open the doors for employment to the ones needing a job. God sends people to listen to the lonely. He sends counselors to the confused. God sends people who provide refuge for those ravaged by repeated abuse. 

I don't know if you are the one needing help today, or if you are the one God is sending to help someone. I know God is at work on both ends. The testimonies that could and should be told are thrilling. I hope God will show me where He wants to send me. I trust He will move you to be sent as well. It will be adventurous. It will be miraculous. 

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