Wednesday, December 20, 2023


 These are difficult times. Such times try the souls of men and women of faith. We are living in an upside down world where wrong is celebrated and right is ridiculed and rejected. People don't act on common sense much less the word of God. Holy God is offended as He and His commands are increasingly mocked and resisted. 

I would not have believed it unless I read about it. The open flaunting of Satan before the masses. He used to lurk in the shadows. Sneakingly working in stealth to steal, kill, and destroy. Now he is open and flaunting his power plays in broad daylight. 

After school clubs are being promoted and offered in elementary schools sponsored by Satanic churches. Yes, you read that right. Satanic church sponsored after school clubs. Satanic church organizations are increasingly shoving their way into the public sector while Christians remain shaking in their boots in holy huddles insulated and isolated from mainstream society. While we huddled the enemies of darkness marched down the mainstreams of America pushing their agendas through things like Drag Queen story times at public libraries, transgenderism, the LGBTQ lifestyle, the wayward sanctioning from the church of same sex couples, and the putrid acts of pedophilia by elitist. 

It went too far for one man in Iowa. He finally got fed up and took matters into his own hands. More about him later. 

In the state capitol building of Iowa lawmakers went too far. They allowed a statue of Baphomet to be prominently displayed in the capitol for the viewing public. Baphomet is a Satanic statute of a goat head with long curved horns on the body of a man seated on a throne, complete with pentagram, and a little boy and little girl standing on each side looking in admiration. When lawmakers tried to get the 10 Commandments reestablished in the capitol the suggestion was rejected. Satan's statue stood while the word of God was kept hidden. 

One follower of Jesus and retired military man could take it no longer. He went into the capitol on a mission. Not as a tourist but on assignment. He toppled the statue of Baphomet and decapitated the head. WAY TO GO! He said he did it to, "Wake up Christians to what is going on in our nation." This brave solider in the army of God will pay a high price for his defiant act. While the world sneers and snarls in retribution, I assure God smiles and heaven applauds such an act of valor. 

A Satanic statue was allowed to stand in a public building. God's word was rejected. One man said enough is enough. He stood for God and opposed the Father of Lies. He defied the Thief, Deceiver, Accuser of the Brethren, Lucifer, the Enemy, the Devil himself. 

The battle lines are increasingly being drawn. Sooner or later people will have to pick sides. They will no longer be able to walk comfortably between two worlds. Which way will you choose? May we and our households choose to serve the LORD. May we resist Satan and his sinister schemes. [Eph 6:10-12] Choose you this day whom you will serve. [Joshua 24:15]

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