Monday, December 11, 2023

Falling Leaves

 I sat in a parking lot waiting on Brenda to purchase a few things at a thrift store. My attention was drawn to the leaves on a tree in the parking lot. The first thing I noticed was the beautiful Autumn colors. The reds, oranges, purples, and yellows excited me. 

It was a windy chilly day. Then, I observed as the winds picked up causing several of the leaves to lose  their grip on the branches and fell helplessly to the ground. That got me to thinking about several things. I thought how soon all the leaves on the branches would be barren. The falling leaves reminded me that the dead of winter is just around the corner. 

It doesn't seem that long ago when we were sweating out above 110 degree heat wave days in Texas. All that is behind us. Cold snaps hint at what lies ahead. Frigid temperatures, howling winds, and possible winter weather storm warnings. I have never been a big fan of winter. I guess it goes back to getting caught in a cold front while wearing shorts and a tank top to a family outdoor outing as a child. That memory scarred me from ever wanting to get caught without proper warm clothing on cold days. 

Falling leaves remind me that Autumn is ending and bleak days lie ahead. Days of dead grass, barren trees, and huddling inside in the warmth from the bone chilling frigid temperature outside. 

Those falling leaves also reminded me of our mortality. At one time those leaves were alive, vibrant, filled with color, carefree dancing in the wind. No matter how long they may fight it, eventually they turn colors, wither, and fall. All people eventually have to let go of the branches of this life and surrender to mortality and then enter eternity. 

I am reminded this festive time of year that not everybody has a festive heart. Some grieve the loss of spouses, parents, and even children. Death is cruel. A harsh reality. Just like the seasons of the year, people also have seasons. In the spring of our lives we are born and grow. We are filled with life and learning opportunities. We mature during the summer season of life into marriage and career. We settle into middle age during the fall season enjoying grown up children and possibly grandchildren. The winter season comes for us all. Ou bodies weaken and our minds become more clouded. We frequent the doctors more and endure one medical procedure after another. We know the end is coming though we may try to resist. 

Sooner or later the end comes for all people. I preached numerous funerals this past year. Only that winter season of death for the child of God leads to the spring of new birth into eternal life. Yes, our leaves may fall, but that does not mean we do not have hope. We have hope that God has prepared a dwelling place in the celestial city. The cold bitter winds of life are not to be shunned, but rather to be embraced keeping that truth in mind. We fall from the branches of this life only to be connected to the True Vine for all eternity. There our leaves will never fade nor ever fall. 

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