Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Camp Meeting Devotions - Day Sixteen

 2 Timothy 4:5 (NASB)

5  But you, be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.

John Weseley knew about enduring hardship and doing the work of an evangelist in the 1700s. He devoted himself to sacrificial service for His Savior. Tireless zeal into his late eighties. He did not use old age, opposition, or closed churches as an excuse not to fulfill his ministry. 

One year alone he walked over 1,000 miles to preach in churches around Oxford. Most of his traveling was by horseback where he mastered the art of reading while riding. He averaged about 13 miles a day. It is estimated that in all he traveled 226,000 miles in his lifetime. No cars. No planes or trains. He did this by walking or riding. He rode in wind, hail, bitter cold, rain, crossing streams and swamps to get to his appointed destination. He refused to be kept from his appointed assignments. 

He experienced persecution.  He had rocks, dung, and eggs thrown at him. At times, the mobs beat him and ripped his clothing. None of these things stopped him from continually telling people about Jesus. He fearlessly shared the love of Christ no matter what price he had to pay. 

Wesely also sacrificed. Instead of profiting from his preaching he gave money away to help impoverished people. In fact, when he died it has been written that all he left behind was a well worn Bible, a few hundred dollars and the Methodist church. 

None of us are John Wesely. We can still be faithful and endure where we are in our ministry to tell others about Jesus. To be indefatigable in our evangelism ministry. To overcome obstacles, charge past challenges, and surge beyond surprising setbacks. We cannot use weather as an excuse. Nor can we use aging bodies as a reason not win to souls to Christ. We certainly cannot use intolerance and opposition in society as reasons for not sharing our message. There are persecuted saints suffering around the world for proclaiming Jesus as the only way to salvation. They endure hardship. Why shouldn't we? 

We must be willing to endure some hardship. To plead for souls, to boldly share truth, to fearlessly talk of the love of Jesus. This is a message worth suffering for and enduring to the end of our lives in communicating. We have more tools at our disposal than Wesely ever did. We have faster transportation, more modern technology, and the ability to communicate with people all over the world. Are we willing to endure? Our excuses hold no water. It is time to choose whether we will squander our days in fruitless living or to live on mission for Jesus. 

  • How committed are you to sharing the gospel of Jesus with lost people? When is the last time you verbally witnessed?
  • Can you recall any time when you have endured hardship in the work of evangelism?
  • List the excuses you have used in the past for not evangelizing. 
  • What reasons can you identify for not enduring in the work of Jesus?

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