Thursday, March 17, 2022

Camp Meeting Devotions - Day Seventeen

 Hebrews 12:2-3 (NASB)

2  fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
3  For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.

Nobody endured to the end more than Jesus. He endured the cross. More than that, he did it joyfully. Think about the cross. The cruel agony of it. The excruciating pain. The bloodied body. The piercing railroad like spikes in His wrists and feet. On top of all that, He endured the sorrow of His Father turning away from Him as the sins of the world fell on Jesus' shoulders. 

When we think of all that, how can we not give Jesus our absolute best? No matter where He leads us and what it costs us. Following Jesus is costly. There is little cost to being a church member. Being followers of Jesus is a different matter.  Jesus calls us to deny our self, to take up our cross, and to follow Him. These are costly things. 

When our attention is fixed on Jesus, we endure not growing weary and losing heart. Quitting is often easier than finishing. The sacrifices made, the hardships embraced, and the sorrows overcome are not for the faint of heart. It takes courage to follow Jesus fully. It takes faith to step away from comfort and security into risky and dangerous situations. 

Each day followers of Jesus do just that. They forsake the American dream for the passionate pursuit of proclaiming Jesus on distant shores. They willingly harness themselves to the call of God to sacrifice and even suffer. They don't quit. They remain resolved in their commitment to fulfill their ministry. To labor tirelessly for their Master. 

What about people not called to be missionaries? What does endurance look like for ordinary people? It means fulfilling commitments. When we say we will do something, we follow through. We show up for meetings, we follow through on teaching ministries, we give of our finances sacrificially, we serve. We complete the studies we sign up for. We also refuse to remain tight lipped about sharing Jesus. 

When we think about what Jesus did to redeem us, is any sacrifice too much? Is any cost in following Him too great? Does His example propel us to endure and not lose heart?

  • Spend some time meditating on the cost Jesus paid for your salvation. 
  • When have you been tempted to quit following Jesus?
  • Make a list of things you absolutely are not willing to do in following Him? Explain your answer. 
  • Which habit have you cultivated; quitting or finishing?

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