Monday, March 14, 2022

Camp Meeting Devotions - Day Fourteen

 Psalm 85:6 (NASB)

6  Will You not Yourself revive us again, That Your people may rejoice in You?

Have you ever seen one of those shows where they go in and remodel a home leaving the owners stunned at the transformation? Walls are removed, expanded kitchens added, enlarged living rooms included, and magnificent master bedrooms renovated. The transformation of these homes is incredible. 

You may have seen something similar in those shows where people customize their vehicles. They add new interior, upgraded engine, fresh paint, and wheels to finish off the product. When people show up to get their new vehicle, they are often amazed at the end result. 

What both types of shows have in common is the demolition phase. The old has to be removed. There comes a point when the stripping process has to be completed before the renovation can begin. 

Some of us need God to renovate us. In order to do that, He must demolish some old things we allowed to creep in, some bad habits we formed, and some wicked ways that took root. This is not a pleasant process. It is very painful. The uncovering of our hearts and the pulling up all the weedy roots is necessary for God to complete His work in us. 

We are asking God for revival. Sometimes I wonder if we even know what we are really asking God to do. The word revive in our passage today means to quicken, make alive, to recover, repair, and restore. Some go through the religious motions pretending to be alive and vibrant. The truth is far different. A dryness has settled in spiritually. Passion for God needs to be recovered. The broken parts of our faith needs to be repaired. The people of God need to be restored to a fresh faith and rekindled love for Him and His work. 

Just like an owner of a home must be willing to accept all the necessary changes for the house to be restored, we must also be willing to accept the changes God wants to add into our lives to revive us. We appear to be an unrevived people. Do we admit our need of a fresh work of God in us and among us? We cannot stay where we are and go with God. 

One of the results of revived people, is their rejoicing in God. They exult in Him and are made glad in Him. They long to worship. To adore God, praise Him, celebrate Him, and magnify Him. This is done through songs of worship, it is done through acts of service in ministry, and through silent secret devotions. Such rejoicing is filled with life and is contagious to others. 

Many times, over the decades I have seen stonehearted people sitting petrified in the pews. They are unmoved by songs or sermons. Week after week and year after year these people prefer the unrevived life. They settle for rot and rut of religion rather than the revived life. The word of God reveals the truth of their condition week after week, but they refuse to look in the spiritual mirror and admit their condition. They refuse God's demolition work. 

What is the truth about us? Will we look into the mirror of God's word and admit what we see in the reflection? Revival is needed. The stripping process to get there is not a pleasant journey, but the end restored result is worth it. 

  • What indications do you see that reveal your need to be revived?
  • List the things that need to be uprooted out of your life?
  • Explain what a revived, repaired and restored life would mean for you.
  • Are you willing to endure God's demolition process before He begins the restoration work in you?

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