Monday, November 30, 2020

The Bake Shop of Bountiful Blessings

 During this Thanksgiving season I have had many reasons to be thankful. In recent days I have written about ways God has showered us with blessings. He did it again yesterday morning. Sitting in a box in my office was an IMAC desk top computer. A generous donation from a business owner and son of some of our members. An undeserved blessing. 

Taylor spent most of yesterday afternoon getting it set up. What a blessing. I am humbled by God's bountiful blessings. Those blessings have come in many forms. Our music minister and wife gave me an Invicta watch for pastor appreciation month. It is silver and gold with a blue face. A beautiful time piece. Another of God's bountiful blessings. 

Some might take such blessings for granted. On top of the vehicles I wrote about previously, the Edwards have received much from our Lord through the hands of loving and generous people. Each blessing is a reminder of God's love and His enduring faithfulness. Our family has certainly had reasons to celebrate that faithfulness in recent days.

We have not even scratched the surface. God has done so much, but amazingly He desires to do so much more. I sit humbled by it all. Who am I that God should love me and shower my family with tangible evidence of His love? I am no great orator. I am not a celebrity pastor. I have no extraordinary gifts. I am just an average guy seeking God and trying to walk this path of faith pointing others to my faithful Father. 

I do not recall asking for a computer or a watch. God blessed anyway. He does that. Sure, there are lean seasons when things are tough and the provision is minimal. There are also seasons when His provision abounds in prosperity. It is all part of this faith pilgrimage. 

I do not take bountiful blessings for granted. Large or small. In addition, someone treated me to breakfast a few days ago. That same family blessed us with a delicious cake, sugar free by the way, also blessings from God. 

I can say with the deepest conviction I am a blessed man. I have a wonderful wife. I am blessed with a quiver full of grown up children. I serve an amazing and loving flock who have captured my heart. They are a delight to serve. I love them more the longer I am with them. God has opened Heaven in recent days and showered blessings in response to persistent prayers. 

In response, I glorify Him. He blesses. He provides. He heard and answered prayers in His timing. He has once again shown Himself faithful to a watching world through this servant. 

Admittedly, the faith life is not an easy life. There are many impossible trials and immovable mountains. Sometimes I get to the point I don't know what else to pray. There have been seasons of doubt and depression under the severity of trials. The past decade has been tough sledding for the most part. Sure, God had come through, but it has been the hardest decade of my life. 

Then, God brings you to a season like this. A season of peace, rest and blessing. He encourages and refreshes. In the bountiful blessings I rejoice, not so much in the gifts, but in the Provider of those gifts. I delight in my Father. 

I know more trials will come. I know more faith battles will be fought. I know every season will not be like this current season. I do not see that pattern in the life of Jesus, Paul, John, Matthew, or Mark where they had trial free lives. Life is not always desert. You have endure some vegetables you may not like, but the desert is the reward at the end. 

Seasons of bountiful blessings inspire us with hope to endure the difficult prolonged seasons of pain. Going through all the pain and enduring in faith, makes the bountiful seasons all the more sweet. Sweeter than surrounded by goodies in a bake shop. 

Press on weary soldiers. Your bountiful blessings are ahead. Do not lose heart. Keep trusting, keep praying, keep persisting, keep trudging forward. Life is sweet from the bake shop of God's bountiful blessings. There is room for you at our table in the bake shop of bountiful blessings.

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