Tuesday, November 10, 2020

A Different World

 I have spent the majority of my ministry in small towns and country churches. You are more likely to see jeans and boots than a business suit. Spring Creek Baptist Church is situated out in the country. It is not uncommon to see tractors rolling by, hay and cattle trailers hauled by big trucks. Even as I write this, I sit in a button down shirt, Wrangler jeans and Tony Lama boots. It is the world and culture I live in. 

Last night I found myself in a far different world. To be honest, it was a world out of my comfort zone. A world only a dozen miles from our country abode. A world of skateboards, skaters, ramps, rails, Vans, spill and thrills. Allan, Connie and I felt compelled by God to visit this world. The truth is we have felt compelled to come go to this world for months. Last night we stepped out in faith. To invade their space. We went to McGratton Park armed with homemade cookies, bottled water and the love of Jesus. 

We met five young men. At first, they stood off. Eventually each of them came to the picnic table where we sat and visited. Some ate cookies. They were a little suspicious. At one point, they called us old. I know nothing about skaters or skating other than the little I did as a teen. Most shared a little of their stories. Troubled. Some separated from their biological families and living with grandparents. One admitted many times he sleeps in his vehicle. We heard very colorful language you will not hear in Sunday morning church. Most have little to no interest in religion. One said he does not believe in any of it. He went on to say he is in the middle thinking no religion is better than the others. One commented, "I am actually really into God," then absent mindedly dropping repeated "f" bombs. 

This group of young men represent a culture. A foreign culture to me. They are often misunderstood and labeled. They said earlier in the evening there had been up to 40 skaters. It dwindled to five when we arrived. These students feel outcast. Harassed by law enforcement authorities. Drug use was admitted. One in particular was very open. He preferred to go by his nickname. I asked how he got the nickname and he responded, "From doing drugs and fighting."

I shared the gospel, but they were not open to it. I must earn their hearing. We plan to return next week armed with pizzas and more love of Jesus. To love. To listen. To befriend. To counsel when needed. Most importantly with the prayerful desire to introduce those skaters to Jesus. It is way out of the comfort zone of a country church. Even this country pastor. I am from the world of sports, weight rooms and athletics. That is not the world of our new friends. We saw and heard things that would make most church people uneasy. We choose not to be offended but to love with no strings attached. 

If those skaters never attend here, I am willing to take Jesus to them. Possibly to even begin a Bible study on their turf in time. WE MUST GET OUTSIDE THE WALLS OF THE CHURCH. WE MUSTGO AND TAKE JESUS TO THOSE WHO NEED HIM MOST. Jesus often left the religious masses to seek out and befriend sinners and outcasts. Should we not do the same. We are commanded to do so. Matt 28:19-20. Mark 16:15. Acts 1:8. Rom 1:14-16. 

Are we willing to love the people many have given up on. Parents. Schools, Law Enforcement. The church. I can predict the future of this ministry. There will be one step forward in progress and many steps backwards as these young people fall into destructive behaviors. This is a not a quick fix ministry. We may never see one of them step through the doors of Spring Creek Baptist Church. That is not the point. I would much rather they enter the doors of Heaven because they met Jesus as their Savior.  Of course we will invite them here. 

So, we enter this adventure with Jesus to seek and save those who are lost. Hard days will probably lie ahead. Spiritual warfare will be waged. We walked right into the enemy's camp. He will not ignore that threat. Like Paul I want to say to my last breath;

Acts 20:24 (NASB)
24  "But I do not consider my life of any account as dear to myself, so that I may finish my course and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify solemnly of the gospel of the grace of God. 

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