Wednesday, July 3, 2019

The Shimmering Glory

On my morning walk I paused at the edge of Lake Bridgeport. I looked out across the lake. In the distance I could see two boats crossing the lake carrying eager fishermen. That is not what held my attention. Nor did the gentle waves pushed by the wind that rolled onto the sandy beach capture my gaze. A far more dazzling sight mesmerized me.

As the sunbeams shone on the water it looked like thousands of shimmering lights dancing. Thousands of shimmering reflections of the sun's glory. A sight more beautiful than I can describe in words. A breathtaking glimpse of the glory of God. I could hardly tear my eyes away from that sight. Just the simple reflection of the sun on the water. How much more brilliant will be the glory of God revealed when mortality is exchanged for immorality? Brighter than a thousand suns. So bright the glory of God is the only light needed in Heaven.

Anytime people in the Bible had an encounter with God in His glory they were blown away. They were humbled, awed, repentant and reverent. Moses had such an encounter when he asked God to show him His glory. The priests who dedicated the temple fell prostrate when the glory of God filled the temple. Peter, James and John were stunned when Jesus transfigured before them. They saw glimpses of the shimmering glory of God. What will it be like when we are in that shimmering glory uninterrupted for all eternity? There are no words to describe such an experience.

For now we must content ourselves with those brief glimpses of the shimmering glory of God. They are all around us if we stop, look and listen. One day we will see far more than the reflection on the water. We will get engulfed in the shimmering shekinah glory of God. Press on until that day.

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