Saturday, July 6, 2019

Yes Lord

Do you believe in a Sovereign God who rules over this universe? Do you believe He has infinite wisdom and knowledge to make and execute plans even counting for contingencies? Do equally believe He has unlimited power to perform what He wishes and where He wishes?

Make no mistake. God always has a plan. It is better known as His will. His followers concern themselves with discovering and following His will. Sometimes His will is easily discerned and followed. At other times it takes a lot of praying and waiting on God to reveal it.

He often sets opportunities before us. To put that another way He opens doors for His children to walk through. We don't always know the end outcome of walking through such open doors. Because of this unknown and perceived risk many opportunities get passed by and wasted. Make no mistake. God has contingency plans. Often they come with some harsh consequences. Like Israel disobeying going into the Promised land wandering in the desert. Like Moses taking credit for something God did and not getting to go into the Promise Land. Like King Saul disobeying and losing the Kingdom and his life.

When God reveals His will, puts an opportunity before us and opens a door we must take full advantage. How can we know the full implications of what God will do. How could Ananias know how following God's leadership to minister to Paul would result in so much kingdom impact including half of the New Testament coming from Paul's pen. God gave Ananias an opportunity to do His will.

I don't know what God has set or might set before you and I certainly do not know the full outcome of following Him. I do know it is foolish to pass up any of God's open doors of opportunities. I have done it in the past and regretted it. I am sure it brought unnecessary hardship to my family that might otherwise have been avoided.

We should practice saying and living a simple prayer. "Yes, Lord." Eery day it should be our desire to say yes to whatever the Lord may put before us. Yes to more fellowship with Him. Yes to more encounters with those who do not know Him. Yes to walking through more open doors. Yes to steps of faith. Yes to leaving the familiar and comfortable for unfamiliar  and discomfort. It is all part of the adventure of following God with all our hearts. Yes Lord. May that prayer always be on our lips, hearts and minds.

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