Wednesday, November 20, 2024

The Captain of Our Souls

 Several years ago, when our boys were young, we went on vacation to Hot Springs, AR. One of the things we did was to ride on a paddlewheel boat. During that trip the captain of the boat offered an invitation to the children to come to the bridge and steer the ship. Taylor was about four years old at the time. We made our way to where the captain was busy letting boys and girls steer the ship for a few seconds. Taylor refused to go. I tried to coax him, but he was not having anything to do with the captain. We sadly walked away with my thinking Taylor missed out on a great opportunity to make a memory. 

I contemplated that event later that day. I related it to Jesus. In the same way, our Captain Jesus invites people to meet Him and get the opportunity of a lifetime. For various reasons millions of people do just what Taylor did. They reject the invitation and walk away. Every person in history who has decided this has regretted it. Some for all of eternity. Eternity is too long to be wrong!

I met Eric last week in a Bible study. There were only four of us. When I reached the end, I offered each person an opportunity to ask Jesus to save them. Eric prayed asking Jesus to forgive him and to rescue him. He had tears in his eyes when he looked up. Those tears remained as he hugged me before I left. 

Eric has a new Captain of his soul. A new Captain to chart the course of the rest of his life. A new Captain to navigate him away from danger. A Captain who knows the way. He has travelled this way before. Eric has a Captain who will not abandon ship when stormy seas come. He has a Captain who knows the way home. Eternal home. 

Those of us who met the Captain of our souls, Jesus, have found safe passage. He rescued us from the raging seas that nearly engulfed us. He threw out the life preserver of His redeeming grace and pulled us to safety. He warmed us in His love and offered a change of clothes of robes of righteousness instead of the rotten ruined clothing of our sinful pasts. What a Captain Jesus is. He is the Captain of our souls. 

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