Monday, November 25, 2024


 We live in a world where relationships can be fractured. This might happen in a family, among friends, and even people of the faith in churches. When you are estranged, you are no longer close in relationship with another person. You are alienated from them. 

While that is certainly true in our earthly relationships, it is much truer in our relationship with God. Each of us started out estranged. Born in sin with a sin nature. It did not take long for each of us to give into our carnal nature which is hostile to God and wants to sin. Even as young children it did not take long before we exhibited our self-will and defiance against parental authority. That only increased as we aged. We were estranged from God. 

We needed help to get things right. We needed reconciliation. Someone to help mediate and to make amends for our trespasses. Enter Jesus onto center stage. By His death on the cross, [Heb 12:2-3] He forever claimed the right to commend us to the Father not based on our track record but on His. [Rom 5:8-9] His death on the cross forever satisfied the holiness of God. Jesus substituted in our place taking our punishment. He did this for estranged people of every generation, race, and nationality. 

I came to Jesus with nothing but a sinful past and meager faith to believe He loved me enough to forgive me. The night I heard the gospel message it was not just good news. It was the best news I had ever heard. [Rom 1:16] It is still the best news I have ever heard. The simple gospel message that Jesus died to make atonement for our sins. People who believe will be forgiven and saved. [Jn 3:16] We don't deserve it, but God deals with us in compassion. Jesus shows us mercy giving us what we could never earn. [Eph 2:8-9]

Jesus is constantly reconciling estranged sinners to God the Father making reconciliation. He is constantly commending us as recipients of amazing grace. He brings us into peace and harmony with God. What glad tidings that is for people everywhere. 

You may read this today and know you are estranged from God. Your list of sinful offenses is long and inexcusable. You know that you can never undo the wrongs you have done. The guilt and shame of those things hangs around your neck like an anvil. He offers the gift of salvation, forgiveness, and a whole new way of life if you believe. Believe He died on a cross to take on the punishment for the sins of humanity. Believe Jesus rose from the dead conquering death. Believe that if you call on the name of the Lord you will be saved. 

I have seen Jesus reconcile people all over the world. In Cuba, Canada, Honduras, California, New Mexico, Florida, Arizona, Louisianna, and all over Texas. He has saved estranged people in jail cells, prisons, mountain camps, college campuses, backwoods churches, grand cathedrals, in gymnasiums, and ball fields. If you find yourself estranged from God today, I invite you to call out to Jesus for salvation and reconciliation with God the Father. May this be the day of salvation. Please do not wait until it is too late. 

While God abounds in love, compassion, and mercy, He also can abound in righteous indignation, fury, seething anger, and wrath for those who refuse His lovingkindness. One way or the other everyone will face one side of God or the other. May you no longer live estranged. Call out to the Lord today for salvation before it is too late. 

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