Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Directed Steps

 The mind of man plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps. [Prov 16:9] NASU 1995

Are you a planner? A person who lays out detailed plans? Do you like to organize your life in tight schedules to maximize your use of time? 

It is not wrong to be organized. Where we get into trouble is when in our minds, we plan thinking we know what is best. In this way we try to control our circumstances. Control the desired outcomes. Often this works precisely. There are other times when we get it totally wrong. When our plans fail and God steps in to direct our steps. 

God might shut repeated doors you leveraged to open. He might bring unforeseen financial setbacks directing you to trust Him and not your financial reserves. He might throw your carefully planned schedule out the window with unforeseen delays, distractions, and detours. 

I recall walking back to the field house from football practice as a freshman at Howard Payne University. Our senior starting quarterback strolled up next to me. He asked what plans I had for my life. I laid out my long-term future plans. I planned on working as a youth minister for a few years before stepping into the pastoral role. I planned on starting in a small church and eventually working my way up to a larger church. He laughed and said, " You have it all figured out." He then asked me about my Bible reading habits. I was reading through Proverbs at the time. 

I laugh now in hindsight. What a cocky young follower of Jesus I was. I had my plans. God threw my plans out the window over and over again the past 30 years. Life and ministry did not go the way I planned. God directed my steps. I did not even plan to go to Howard Payne University. I planned on going to Stephen F. Austin University which was less than 30 miles from my hometown. God had other plans. I planned on marrying a girl I dated in high school and the first couple of years in college for five years. God had other and better plans when that girl chose to go to a different college, and we broke up. God directed my steps to Brenda. I cannot imagine my life without Brenda who is my soul mate and best friend. 

In subsequent years, God directed our steps in faith to serve as a youth pastor, church planter, evangelist, and pastor. We have followed His leadership all over the state of Texas. Many times, we had our plans. Like the time I thought I was supposed to serve a church in Odessa, TX as pastor. I even interviewed wit that church. I thought it was a slam dunk open door. They chose to go with another candidate. The same thing happened at FBC Wink, TX. That door was shut. It was sometime later when God directed our steps to serve the FBC of Paradise, TX. 

Over the years God has laughed at my plans. He has opened and shut doors as He directed us to His plan. I have learned to let Him lead. He certainly knows better than I do about what is best. My plans and schedules are loose now. I know God can step in at any time and change everything. That is comforting and exciting. I never know when and where He will direct our next steps. It may not be easy, but it will be God's best if we are willing to step out in faith. 

At this stage of life, I no longer have a detailed long-range plan. It is more like living as Abraham did when God called him to leave his country and go to the place that God would show him. [Gen 12:1] Abraham trusted God to direct his steps day by day in faith. [Heb 11:8] It sure makes life a grand adventure. God does not always direct our steps to easy paths or pain free journeys. He does direct our steps purposely and can be trusted. So, Lord please keep directing our steps getting us where you want us to be and doing what you want us to do. 

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