Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Climatic Conclusion

 I finished reading through Revelation the climatic conclusion of the Bible and our planet this morning. In those 22 chapters, there are the seal, trumpet, and bowl judgments. There is the rise of the antichrist. The establishment of a one world government. Persecution of the saints. The eventual capture and binding of Satan during the millennial reign of Jesus Christ. Satan gets released after a 1,000 years and he rallies the world against God at Armageddon. It is not even a fight. God sends down fire and consumes the armies of Satan. Satan is captured and thrown in the lake of fire forever. 

People maneuver, strategize, politicize, and position their military might. Most are not aware that the script has already been written. Certain things are coming into play even now. Organizations like the World Economic Forum and World Health Organization are bent on creating a global New World Order. RFID chips are already being implanted under the skin of some around the world ushering in the day of the mark of the beast. Artificial Intelligence is rewriting the Bible. An AI avatar actually preached a sermon in Europe and 300 people showed up to listen. These are just to name a few things going on right under our noses speeding us toward the climatic end. 

Chaos is building with issues like the border crisis and college campus protests all in order to destabilize society. Corrupt politicians from BOTH SIDES OF THE AISLES care more about padding their pockets than working for the welfare of their constituents. The judicial system mocks justice offering judgments to the highest bidders. The church is apathetic, anemic, and AWOL as the world self implodes. We stand on the brink of World War III and most are oblivious to it. 

These things give me no joy to write about. They are not positive happy talking points. The financial pressure is increasing on the middle class. Multiple people have talked to me about rising property taxes and grocery costs in recent days. We are constantly being told how good the economy is by pundits while our pocketbooks are screaming a very different message. 

Reading Revelation today gave me pause to rest in peace. God wins in the end. One day, I believe soon, the trumpet of God will blast and Jesus will appear to call His church home. Millions of true Christians will be raptured off this sin infested planet. Seven years of tribulation will pound planet earth with the wrath of God. Those will be horrible days. Brutal, harsh, and days of calamity unlike the world has ever seen. The antichrist will rise to power in a time of chaos promising peace. Three and a half years into it his true colors will show. He will demand to be worshiped and claim to be God. He will have those who do not worship him executed. All of this is written. 

We are hurling down the runway of the climatic conclusion. I hope you are ready. I urge you with all that is within me to repent of sin, turn to Jesus pleading for salvation, and walk in a manner pleasing to Him if you have not done so alredy. Time is short. I make no predictions. I just state the facts. I read the signs of the time. I believe it will not be long, very possibly in our lifetimes. Satan is winning right and left now. In God's climatic conclusion, the devil loses. God wins. Come soon Lord Jesus. Come soon. 

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