Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Faith Demonstrated by Works

 I read about faith and works this morning from James 2:14-26. In essence, that passage exhorts us that faith not accompanied with works is a dead faith. The examples of Abraham and Rehab are given who demonstrated their faith by doing something. 

Many people say they have faith. When it comes to putting that faith into action, faith seems less common. When I read that passage earlier, I asked myself, "What works are God calling me to do by faith.?" 

I thought about the children of Israel when God told them in Deut 1:21 about possessing the land and not giving into fear. Fear is a powerful emotion. Fear can cripple and paralyze people's faith. Possessing the land was faith with works. They were going to have to fight for each square mile of that promised territory. Yes, God promised it. Israel had to put feet to their faith and with sword in hand to seize the land battle by battle. 

What is God calling us to do? There are works that He intends for us to do that demonstrate our faith. Faith in action. Each of us has our own territory to possess. At some point, we will have to take a faith step. It might appear frightening. It might be risky. It may seem the odds are impossibly stacked against us. The step or steps of faith will be necessary to obey God. 

People are good at offering lip service. Faith isn't so much about what we say. I can say what I believe. It is when I obey that I demonstrate who I believe in enough to work out that faith. Hebrews 11:6 reminds us that it is impossible to please God without faith, we must believe that He is and rewards those who seek Him. How many are living not pleasing God because they refuse to operate in faith? Individuals do this. So do churches. Even faith based organizations are guilty. 

God plants His dreams and will in His people. He expects us to believe Him for those things and to work out our obedience as a result. Author and Pastor Mark Batterson says, "Pray like it only depends on God, but work like it only depends on you." Faith followed by works. 

Some will say they believe and sit around praying and waiting for something to happen. Others will busy themselves frantically with activity trying to make something happen without prayer. I think faith demonstrated with works is both. I think Batterson has it right. Yes, pray fervently. Work diligently at the same time you are praying and after God reveals the next steps. Possess the land. Pray for victories and take up your sword in battle to claim what God wants done This is the way He is glorified. 

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