Monday, March 25, 2024

Flagrant Harlotry

 We are living in troubling times. The whole world feels like a powder keg ready to explode. You would think Christians would distinguish themselves in this chaotic age. Sometimes it is hard to identify who the Christians are anymore. Hypocrisy abounds in the church. Many have left their first love. [Rev 2:4] How many truly keep the greatest and foremost commandment in [Matt 22:37-39] to love God most and to love other people. Some of the most unloving mean people I have ever met were church people. 

The prophet Hosea received a strong and strange message from God. God instructed Hosea to go marry a harlot. A prostitute. He was to have children of harlotry with her. Why? It was a symbol of what God's people were doing to Him. Because the unfaithfulness of God's people in committing harlotry against God. This is what God said, "For the land commits flagrant harlotry forsaking the LORD." [Hosea 1:2]

I have seen this played out over and over again. Christians forsake worship for the purpose of the idolatry of sports. They bow at the feet of ball like Israel bowed at the BAAL. Students are more addicted to video games than scripture and doing things that have eternal value. They will stay up all night playing Fort Night and sleep through Bible study. Pornography is not just a problem. It is pandemic both in and out of the church for men and women. It is destroying the moral fiber of our families. Ministers are not exempt. Believers talk just as foul as pagans. I have heard it with my own ears as people left the worship service. I don't think they even noticed what they said. I can only imagine what they say when they are not in the house of God. Christians commit adultery including people in the ministry. Sexual predators infiltrate Christian ranks to harm the unsuspecting. People rob God of tithes and offerings. Others go even further and actually embezzle money from the church offerings. Christians get entangled in addiction. Substance abuse happens among church people as well as pagans. I saw a video of woman recently stand before her church family and confess gossip and slander about another Christian lady. At least she had the guts to get up before her church to confess it and ask forgiveness. When is the last time you saw that done?

Flagrant harlotry hangs over the church like the bluebonnet plague hung over the land destroying lives. When is the last time you saw a large group of people on their knees before God in tearful repentance? I am betting it has been awhile. I have not seen it where I serve either. 

People devote themselves to the pursuit of profits, power, position, and pleasure. God gets what is left over and even lukewarmly at that. God wishes His people were burning hot for Him or cold. Not lukewarm. It makes Him sick to His stomach and want to vomit. [Rev 3:14-15] Parishioners pack the pews listening to sermons, but they are hearers and not doers. [James 1:22] Some church members fuss and fight for control destroying their witness. Jesus said the world would know we are His disciples when we loved one another. [John 13:35] 

I know I am in the minority. While many people are figuring out new ways to get a crowd, to soften the message, to become more relevant, and more practical in meeting people's needs, I wonder how many consider how God feels. How many truly please God with our programs and innovative ideas while forsaking holiness. Did the church compromise convictions to get a crowd? Did we water down the word of God? Did we turn a blind eye to sin and sanctification? Has the church rejected the hard truths in favor of the feel good passages? Do we avoid strong calls for repentance for the lost to be saved and for the saved to get right? Do we conveniently ignore blatant hypocrisy if the person is a good giver?

Flagrant hypocrisy flaunts itself among all denominations. Southern Baptist threw many stones at the Catholics before they found themselves in their own sex abuse scandals. The cry of the Old Testament prophet was to repent. Isn't that same cry needed today as much as ever. A prayerful plea to turn from sin and to turn back to God is hard to hear and much harder to live. Both are still needed. 

Have we forsaken our God like Israel did? Have we abandoned Him for other gods who are worthless? Do we give Him up for lesser pursuits? Do we disown Him in favor of fitting in with the rest of the crowd? God help us. We are a defiled and unfaithful bride. How long will God be mocked and we not reap what we have sown? [Gal 6:7-8] May God open our ears and hearts so that we repent before it is too late and we cross the point of no return like Israel did. God help us. 

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