Tuesday, May 10, 2022

We Are Not Ready

 At the time of this writing, our scheduled camp meeting is 19 days away. Everything in me tells me Spring Creek is not ready. We have not done all the necessary things that precipitate revival. Intense prayer. Personal and corporate repentance. Craving more of God. Longing to see Him sweep through our community with power like we have never seen before. 

From my vantage point, it appears most people here are indifferent about the revival. It is just another event on a calendar which they will choose to participate in or not depending on their crowded calendars. They have no idea what revival is. Some think they do. Most have never experienced revival. The real thing. I have. I know the difference in meetings and real revival. 

 Revival meetings can be good. They can be productive days of God working. They may produce some fruit like souls getting saved. Revival meetings may do a little good. That is not my heart cry. In real revival, the people of God are repentant, they are so hungry for more of Him you cannot keep them away. They are often broken over their sins, filled with zeal and boldness to witness to the lost. God places new desires for holiness, for prayer, worship, and longing to hear His word when He revives. 

In revival meetings, you have to beg and plead to get people even to attend. There are no great moves of the Holy Spirit. Lives are seldom transformed. People remain apathetic and satisfied with their tried and true religious routines. 

People just do not know all that God is capable of doing. How can they long for something they have never experienced? How can they experience more of God if they do not long for Him and do not prepare themselves for profound encounters?

All of this makes me question seriously if we are ready for what God wants to do? God has been preparing me for months. I have never prayed harder or longer. My expectations of what God wants do have been high. I have complied with the things I sensed He wanted me to do personally. Now, there is just more praying, two more Sundays preaching in preparation, and waiting. The week before we will read through the Bible out loud in the sanctuary in shifts leading up to the first service on May 29. 

If it is true that we are not ready, I pray God change that over the course of the next 19 days. I long for the real thing. I long for more of God experienced by His people. I long for the salvation of souls in numbers that stagger all who hear for the glory of God. I am not after trying to make a name for Spring Creek. I am certainly not after trying to make a name for myself. I want to promote the glory of God. To bear abundant fruit that brings Him much glory. Are we ready? Are you ready? If not, I plead with you to get ready quickly. 

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