Sunday, November 28, 2021

The Fate of America Hangs in the Balance

 America is on a straight line course to collide into God and His righteous judgment. I could spend this whole time writing about the evils in America. You know them as well as I. One thing has weighed on my heart in recent days. It revolves around a case before the Supreme Court. What a joke. The Supreme Court in the throne room of God. He is the only One who will supremely judge all of us. 

Nevertheless, the Supreme Court is considering a case better known as the Texas Heartbeat Law about abortion. If they uphold the Texas law against abortion once a heartbeat is detected in the womb, it would go a long way to righting the wrong of the decision to legalize abortion decades and tens of millions of baby killing ago. How will God react if we once again see the highest ruling court in the land, with a supposed conservative slant, side to strike down this Texas law. To choose murder over life. Common sense dictates that if you can detect a heart beat that indicates life. Not a blob of tissue. 

God has America in His crosshairs. We cannot survive long if we continue to defy Him at every turn. No nation can. God has given America much. Abundance of resources. Freedom, specifically religious freedom, financial increase, protection and people who have defended all these things in our military. Even the military prowess is powerless to defend us against the blatant offense and rebellion against God. When God determines to pour out His hot displeasure against a nation, none can stop it. None are powerful enough to oppose God. It is a fate we want to avoid at all costs. 

Killing millions of helpless babies is a sin that covers our streets and manicured lawns with the blood of murder. One day God will say enough. I wonder if it will be with this case. What will be tipping point? What will be point of no return, no more chances, no more withholding of His fury and righteous indignation. 

I plead with you who read this to start praying for the Supreme Court justices as they consider this case. It feels to me the fate of America hangs in the balance in proportion to what they decide. To decide against life is to decide to our peril. We are not immune from God's wrath. Some wonder why we have been spared this long. 

I have often wondered if the pandemic is a form of God's judgement and a wake up call. If so, it does not appear that the nation is listening. I have pleaded with God for His divine intervention on these justices to do the right thing. Please join me in praying for this most dire situation. The very fate of our nation may be at stake. Who knows if God will not relent from doing evil and forgive us in His mercy if they choose life. 

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