Wednesday, September 1, 2021

The Furnace Vision

I see the pulpit completely melt down to the ground from the heat of a burning blasting furnace located behind it. Then I see a clear acrylic pulpit arising in place of the wooden one with white letters emblazoned on it, "I AM."

I sit in the front pew and feel the intense burning heat of the furnace. I have to shield my face with my hands. I turn to see all the pews aglow like red hot iron. Each pew melts in the same way the pulpit did including the one I am sitting on. This causes me to sink to the floor where I prostrate myself to pray. I feel the heat from the furnace and the warmth of the floor causing me to perspire. I do not know how long I remained in that season of prayer. 

Suddenly I feel a cool gentle breeze blowing on my skin which is a stark contrast from the heat of the furnace. This causes me to get up and see what is happening. I look around and see all the pews restored and filled with people quietly waiting before the Lord. 

At this point I got to the pulpit with my Bible. I do not speak a word but just open the Bible to Isaiah. When I do this two things happen simultaneously. The furnace shuts off and a stream flows forth from the Bible to the congregation washing them of their sins. The crystal clear stream becomes dirtied and polluted with the vile wicked iniquity of those present. The stream washes all the trash outside leaving a clean, restored, and holy people. 

The people break out in spontaneous worship. Nobody is leading from the stage. The people are being led by the Holy Spirit. The joy of the Lord is evident. 

When the last person leaves I shut my Bible and the flow of the stream dries up. I step into the prayer room to pray. I get engrossed in intercession and am interrupted by the feeling of water flowing against me from the sanctuary. I get up and step outside the prayer room to notice the flowing stream has reversed course. Where it first flowed out of the building polluted, now it is flowing back into the sanctuary crystal clear again. It carries throngs of people in its flow who are eager to seek Him. These are days of refreshing. 

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