Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Covenant Priest

 The nation strayed. One corrupt monarch after another lead the people further from God. Royal families became royal pains for the people. God spoke. Fearless preacher prophet types boldly thundered messages from God to little avail. The people of God drifted further and further into a sinful abyss. 

God judged one king after another. In many cases, the offspring sinned greater than their fathers. One king God judged and executed was Ahaziah. When the queen mother, Athalia heard her son was dead, she had all the royal offspring destroyed. One son survived because Ahaziah's sister hid him. Time passed and eventually Joash was anointed king. 

When Athalia heard it, she cried out it was treasonous. The priest Jehoida had her executed. 

All of that is background found in II Kings 11:1-16. What Jehoida did next is what really caught my attention. He made a covenant between the LORD, the king, and the people to be the people of God. He then had the people tear down the pagan temple of Baal including the altars and images. The priest of Baal was executed. In essence he cleaned house. He drained the swamp. 

There are parallels with the conditions of Israel and the current United States. The ruling powers are leading the nation off course further and further from God. Preachers prophesy but few seem to listen. We need faithful men and women of God to clean house. To make a covenant between politicians, preachers and the people of the nation to follow God. 

We need bold prophets to thunder messages of repentance to this sin soaked society. Fearless preachers who cannot be bought off and silenced. Men set ablaze with God's holy fire and tireless in their zeal to call a nation to repentance. Uncompromising men who are called to a higher calling than building a large following. Courageous clergy who will not give up and be intimidated by threats. 

Such preachers may not profit financially. Such convicting preaching can thin out a crowd. It can get you arrested and sentenced to death like many prophets of old. While preacher boys fill us seminary class rooms with their fanciful dreams of changing the world, they usually come out watered down and politically correct so as to impress pulpit committees. They sell their souls to climbing to bigger and bigger churches so they can make more and more money. They preach pop psychology messages with little spiritual biblical truth to tickle the ears and win the favor of people. They become obsessed with popularity and power instead of prayer and the power of God. The pulpit becomes their shop window to display their talents which pollutes the pulpit into powerless podiums. 

We need some Jehoidas again. We need preachers who will stare this evil generation right in the eye and call them to turn from their wicked ways in repentance. We need pastors to proclaim, "Thus says the Lord," in demonstrations of power and the Holy Spirit. 

If God doesn't raise such preachers and anoint them powerfully to bring the nation back, America is doomed. There is no hope for this sodomized, sadistic, and satanic age apart from another Spiritual Awakening. Will covenant priests arise for this appointed time and do the hard work of leading a nation back to God? The remnant pray and await such messengers of God. 

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