Monday, April 13, 2020

Warning Danger Ahead

These times are unsettling. Millions have lost jobs. I heard the story yesterday of a small business owner having to shut down permanently. There have been long lines and food shortages at the grocery stores. People have been shut in their homes without freedom to do the things they used to do.

These are matters I and millions of others have prayed over diligently. I did so again this morning. What I received from the Lord disturbed me greatly. The American response to the current crisis on every scale does not seem to be one of a wholescale turning back to God. If this is a wake up call, America has by and large hit the snooze button.

What if it took something worse to get the souls of this nation to turn back to God? I dread the thought. Things are bad right now. They could get so much worse. Prophetic warnings go unheeded. This once proud prospering nation has been shook. Not to the point where we only look to God for help. Not to the point when people openly repent and return to God who alone can rescue us.

Like a road side sign warning of danger ahead, I stand to warn the citizens of this great nation that we are not invincible. God has blessed the United States like few nations ever throughout history. Much like He blessed Israel. What did we do with that blessing. We aborted over 60 million babies because the law says the mother has the right to choose. The highest court legalized homosexual marriage. America nodded in approval. GOD DID NOT! Homosexuality is still an abomination. While homosexuals can find salvation and deliverance in Jesus, they will not find His approval of their lifestyle. America rushes people to the judge or preacher to get married. They rush nearly as fast to the divorce court because they never understood the marriage covenant up front. We fell and worshipped at the idol of ball. Football, baseball, basketball, volleyball and so forth. We celebrated the elaborate salaries followed by the immoral behaviors of some of ball's most famed athletes. We bought the products they endorsed, wore their jersey and watched religiously. No matter how defiled and polluted they lived we bowed before them cheering them on. We elected liars, deceivers, hoodwinkers, silver tongued devils, promising much but delivering little except kickbacks into their own pockets. Then we reelected the same people hoping for a different outcome. They say they want to protect us with their fingers crossed. They fabricate the truth and spin it for their political purposes.

The media quit concerning themselves with reporting the truth instead of reporting their take on the truth, altering facts, misguiding the public slanting stories toward their own political bias. The Constitution got trampled on like a door mat along the way. Take an honest look at what is going on. Count how many of your constitutional rights have been suspended so easily. Like sheep led to the slaughter America walked to her doom without so much as questioning the things being forced on us.

We listen to what they say and blindly accept it. Has it dawned on anyone the message about staying home from the government through public announcements on the radio and television are starting to sound a lot like brainwashing. A message of stay at home, keep social distancing, we are all in this together but alone and so forth bombards our ears and eyes. It is to protect us. Do some independent investigation. The stories don't always match reality. Would it surprise you if I told you the number of deaths attributed to the virus are misleading. If you are dying of the last stages of cancer but test positive for the virus that is the listed cause of death. This is happening to people on hospice care. Hospice care happens when you are about to die. Why the need to pad the stats of the virus.

If this is so bad, why doesn't Dr. Fauci stand six feet from the nearest person in the press conferences. Why doesn't he wear a mask? Why are domestic flights allowed to continue if we need to keep everyone from harm? Why are some places considered essential but others not. Why are experts talking about forced vaccines and citizens having to carry proof of authentication a person has been vaccinated to buy or travel. That's mark of the beast stuff from Revelation. Why did Bill Gates talk about possible long term suspension from mass gatherings recently. Why is he pushing forced vaccines and his foundation gives major financial support to every major health care organization.

On top of all that, churches are still shut down because they are not considered essential. No pastor would have dreamed this possible at the start of 2020. Suspending live services seemed like patriotic duty. Church is non essential. Tell that to the widow I spoke to yesterday who has no way to connect to a streamed service or the other widow I visited with who cannot figure out the technology.  America pacified herself with streaming services. Many got left out and behind. What happens when someone pulls the switch on the internet and churches cannot even do that anymore. What happens when preachers are silenced and the doors remain shut. The church has been shut down in large measure and there has been very little backlash. We just accepted it as good little citizens doing our duty. We comforted ourselves that we were doing our part.

Yet, Walmart can remain open. Hundreds and possibly thousands go in and out. A contaminated person could be on the same aisle. A contaminated person may have stocked the shelves with your item. A contaminated person may have unloaded your purchase from the truck. A contaminated person may have actually packaged or canned your food. Still they flock to Walmart. While other retailers were forced to close because they are not essential. The church is not essential. Please remember this was done for your protection.

Conservative voices are being censored by Facebook, twitter, YouTube, and other social media outlets. Many are banned. Social elites now determine what is acceptable to say, write or video. If your voice happens to hit one of their hot button phrases you could be banned too. I am pretty sure this post hit most of them. Big tech companies manipulate the internet. Case in point. I have heard for awhile that if you shop for a certain item suddenly ads for that item start appearing on social media outlets.

I have been shopping for workout equipment for our church and my sons. Often in the mornings I listen to instrumental worship music via You tube when I'm praying. I noticed this morning an exact piece of workout equipment advertised I looked at two days ago. Somebody is manipulating what you and I see and hear. We see what they want us to see. We hear what they want us to hear. We vote for who they want us to vote for.  Dissenting voices are silenced. Mine may be soon. Until then, I speak and write what God leads me to do.

Millions have no source of income. Be of good cheer. The government will come to the rescue. Sending money they do not have. No matter. Big government knows best. Big government will always tell you the truth. They will always report the facts. Hopefully you know better than that.

In all of this, America by in large has not turned to God in repentance. I am deeply concerned things will get worse. The prophets have been pushed out. Their messages censored and ignored. America be forewarned. To mock God and not heed His warning is a recipe for disaster. Warning. Impending danger ahead.

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