Saturday, April 4, 2020

Church, We Can't Fail Them

I read of a study done to measure the impact of churches on the communities they served. Admittedly, the study was limited in scope to a few major cities. The conclusion of that study is startling. Overall the researches found little to no impact on the communities they served. That is shocking. They were unable to find any measurable differences the church made on morality, alleviating poverty, slowing down divorce or a host of other things.

It got me to thinking about everything going on in our world. The crisis on multiple levels. Health, economy, families, the loss of liberties, predictions for the future. None of it good news. Everyday it seems things change for the worse.

For centuries the church has stood strong. We boast about Bible truth, promote an omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent God. We proclaim to have answers for ills in our world. We have become well oiled machines of ministry. That is until the church was shut down. Suddenly, everything got put to the test.

This is not a time for the church to fail. America needs to see substance behind our salvation. They need to see real faith in action against fear. They need to see the power of God over the programs of the government. This is the time for the church to stand united, mighty, and to believe God to manifest His presence across the nation in tangible ways.

This is a time for the church to serve and not be served. This is a time for the church to sacrifice while so many others are sacrificing. This is a time to reach out while people are shut out from nearly every sector of society. This is a time for the church to show compassion rather than coming across as holier than thou. This is a time for the people of God to battle against the wicked forces of darkness that bring so much destruction.

If there was a ever a time in recent memory when the church needed to prove to the world, we are essential, we are needed, we have answers, and we can impact our world. Church it is time to put our money where our mouth is. If we believe so much in the power of God to answer prayer, now is the time to show it. We need God's intervention. Or will we just give more lip service and not back it up with results.

The world watches and waits. They are as open to the gospel and God as they have been in a long time. Church, will we be tight lipped. Will we hide behind our cameras talking a big game but not backing it up with action. We must seek God's wisdom and creativity on how to get the gospel out in a time of lock down. This is the day to show the world what our God can do. When nobody has answers this is the show down of our day like Elijah faced the showdown with the false prophets. This is the time to show this wicked, arrogant, defiant, blinded age who the real God is. Not science. Not money. Not government. Not social distancing.

Church, let's unite and show a watching world that our God will have the last say. Let's repent. Let's get serious about fighting forward in faith. Church, we can't fail our world now. We just cannot let our country and communities down now when they need our God so much.

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