Sunday, July 9, 2023

The Dirty Dozen

 I just returned from 1 Way, our substance abuse detox ministry. We had our largest crowd to date. One dozen people including Turner, Fred, and I in addition to nine others. All broken. All struggling in one way or another. All in need of a touch from Jesus. 

It gets real at 1 Way. No hiding behind false pretenses. Flaws and failures are openly confessed and admitted. People gratefully receive the gift of a free Bible to keep for themselves. Some have come from homeless backgrounds. Some were former athletes. Some have lost custody of their children. Many are estranged from their families. They come from all over the nation with two things in common. They are enslaved to addiction and they are broken. Broken people who need a Deliverer and in many cases a Savior. We keep pointing them to Jesus. 

After our study today we worshipped watching a video. We sat before the King of the universe in awe of His greatness. A dirty dozen of us caught up in worship without a worship center, large crowd, or someone on stage leading. Just a dirty dozen of us responding to the good word of the Lord. A dirty dozen of us assembled to hear and respond to truth. 

Honestly, some had trouble believing today. They are skeptical. They have tried in the past and failed repeatedly. It is hard for them to believe that this time could be any different. Jesus makes the difference. When we are weak He is strong. When we are tempted He gives strength to resist. When we are most vulnerable He is our refuge. When we fail He is there to pick us up and set us on the straight and narrow path again. He is able when we are incapable. He is sufficient when our resolve is deficient. 

I received as much joy ministering the word of God today among a dirty dozen this afternoon as I did this morning before a much larger crowd in the Spring Creek sanctuary. Jesus sought out broken people. He still seeks broken people through His servants on mission for Him. He gravitated toward the down and out. He embraced the sinners and helped the helpless. Shouldn't we do the same? The church is not a museum to show case our collections over the years. It is more like a trauma center. A place where hurting people can find healing. Jesus spent a great deal of His time among irreligious people. He did not get trapped in holy huddles of holy rollers. He got out among the people. He rubbed shoulders with the ones other religious people ignored. 

Before we left today I thanked the group for allowing us to come. Attendance at our gatherings are volunteer. They do not have to come but they do. Most of them keep coming. Many contact Fred after they leave. He guides them in finding churches when they get out on their own. He prayed with a lady who sobbed because she is about to get out but not confident about staying strong. 

I love pastoral ministry at Spring Creek. I also love the 1 Way ministry. It is raw. The language is often colorful. The stories break your heart. The love is real though. It is a judgment free zone. I am thankful Jesus invited this church to go love on people who need it most. We might have been the dirty dozen but with Jesus we are capable of becoming the dynamic dozen disciples who help other broken people. What a  gift. 

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