Monday, December 31, 2018

It Has Been Six Years

I hurried to change clothes to make my appointment. I felt rushed. Out the door I dashed and down a sidewalk in the chilling damp weather. It did not take long to reach my destination. I went through the back door to a dimly lit room. Inside I could hear others.

I mounted the steps to my little perch. Below my feet I could see a pool of water. After slipping my shoes off I dipped my foot in the water and surprisingly discovered the water was warm. I ventured in with both feet. Then I waded in a little farther. Soaking my clothes I felt a surge of adrenaline.

Before long I stood waist deep in the water. Soon I was joined by another. While others around us went about their business we probably seemed out of place standing in waist deep water on such a cold morning. Eventually I called out to get everyone's attention. In a moment all our eyes were on us.

I spoke from my heart and took the other brave soul in the water and laid her backward beneath the water in baptism. Every ounce of passion I had bubbled out. Heritage Baptist Church had not baptized anyone in four years one person told me. It made me think. I had not personally baptized anyone in at least six years.

Six long years. Six years of preaching multiple times a week. Six years of presenting the gospel. Six years of no new converts. Six years of solid Bible preaching and teaching but no converts. I saw converts on my preaching travels and but not locally. I forgot the joy and celebration of a baptism service. I am resolved it will not be another six years before I baptize again.

Hallelujah to the Savior. Praise the Lord. Worthy is the Lamb who redeems. Exalted is the Lord of Hosts who rescues the perishing. All glory to Jesus, the Son of God, who still forgives sin along with saving and transforming lives. Praise Him who allowed this stammerer of the gospel to once again celebrate new birth in the act of baptism.

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