Thursday, December 13, 2018

28 Days To Trust And Obey - Day 12

Acts 20:35 (NKJV)
35  I have shown you in every way, by laboring like this, that you must support the weak. And remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.' "

At this time of year so many are focused on receiving. Jesus puts the focus on giving. "It is more blessed to give than to receive." What joy can be experienced in giving. What freedom there is from the tyranny of materialism when you release your resources and possessions to God and share them willingly. It is all His anyway. [Ps 24:1]

Over the years Brenda and I have been on both sides. We have delighted in giving. We have given clothes, money, and two vehicles to people in need. It delighted us to do so. We have sacrificially given to churches we've served. We want to hold our possessions with open hands. 

We have also been on the receiving end more times than I can recount. Many of you have heard many of these faith stories. We never grow tired of telling them. As we walk this road of faith we are grateful for the people God has used to partner with us in so many ways and to be the answers to our prayers for help. 

Recently I preached a revival meeting in Lavaca, AR. After one service a man approached me and commented on how much he loved my tie. Immediately I felt prompted I was supposed to give him the tie. I took it off and gave it to him joyfully and not begrudgingly. Now giving a tie is not a big deal. I have a closet full of ties. What if God requires you and me to give more? Like when He prompted me to give away my fairly new truck. Again I did so in faith and joyfully. I never regretted it. It is more blessed to give than to receive. 

Brenda and I have been on the receiving end a lot. We don't like it. We prefer to be the ones giving. Truth is on our journey of faith we have needed to receive. It is a blow to our pride. Like yesterday. I have someone who blesses me with $20 each week. I have resisted and protested. That $20 blessing still arrives on my desk. While my pride hates to receive it this week it is the only $20 our family had for gas. Thank God for that willing vessel. 

You very well might be God's vessel to answer someone's prayer. Somewhere someone is crying out to God for help and provision. He hears those prayers and then prompts you to intervene. God calls you to meet their need. What you do in response speaks to your faith. Do you trust God to obey? Do you rationalize the thoughts of giving away?

God used Dr. Willis to be the vessel to bless me with a Jeep Grand Cherokee many years ago for traveling and preaching. He used multiple people to provide down payment money for my family when we believed God to buy our first and second homes. He has used people to provide for my family for the past several years. When Brenda and I needed provision we pleaded with God to help. He placed our needs on people's hearts and they responded. 

Like the day I faced a $900 need. Brenda and I did not tell anyone. We prayed and begged God to help us. Someone stopped by my office later that week. Before they left they shoved a folded check across my desk saying they felt prompted by God to give it. When they left I opened that check. You guessed it. $900. God heard our cries and connected our prayers with a vessel with the means to meet the need. Praise His glorious name. That is jut one example out of hundreds I could give. 

Right now, this very moment, God may choose to connect you with someone's prayers for help. It is more blessed to give than to receive. In our passage today the word give means to yield and to reward. What do you possess today that God wants you to yield to Him and reward the faith of someone else who has a need? 

It is an awesome thing to be God's vessel and channel of blessing to someone else. It is amazing that God can choose you to be the answer to somebody's prayer today. I urge you to be sensitive to His leadings and promptings. 

On many occasions I have felt impressed for certain people to be used of God to help us without ever telling them. It has been encouraging to watch God over and over again touch those people and lead them to respond to the very things I petitioned the Lord for. In this way God is glorified ad the power of God to respond to prayer is magnified. 

Somewhere somebody has a need. You may have the resources to meet that need. God may choose to connect your resources with that need and you will be the vessel through which that prayer will be answered. God will be glorified through your giving and their receiving. The need may be pressing. I urge you to be very attentive to God's leadership in these matters as some of these prayers are time sensitive. 

On this journey to trust and obey may we all need to be sensitive not just to pray for what we need, but to also be available to be the answer to prayer for someone else. To God be the glory. 

Steps To Trust And Obey:

1. Has God brought anyone to mind with a need as you read this?
2. Is God calling you to be the vessel to answer that prayer for someone?
3. If so will you obey God promptly?
4. What need do you have? 
5. Pray trusting God to place your need on someone's mind and heart and to respond in faith.

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