Saturday, May 27, 2023


 Inquire means to ask information from someone. For our purposes today we inquire of God or ask Him for information. David did this repeatedly. Especially as it related to military strategy. He asked God for direction. He refused to take action until he had heard the counsel of God. 

Is that our habit? Do we inquire? Do we wait on God to answer? It strikes me that should be the heart of believers. From choosing professions, spouses, where we live, where we worship, and what ministries we are called to join. People often choose their profession on what they like to do or where they can make a lot of money. People choose spouses on looks more than character. The thought for many seems to be act does God have to do with it? How much inquiry really takes place when it comes to what city we live in and what house to dwell in? Do people inquire of God where to worship? If so, God is leading most people to mega churches while smaller churches struggle to survive from year to year. I will not even address the issue of asking God about where to serve in ministry. So few do serve it seems a muted point. 

The part of David's habit of inquiring of God that speaks to me is not so much David asking God for information. IT IS THAT GOD CHOSE TO ANSWER. WITH SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS. I find myself longing for that kind of walk with God. Where I seek His face and counsel and He directs my steps. He still answers inquiry. 

Recently, I have been praying over a certain issue seeking God's heart and mind. I read scripture. I sat still and listened. I cried out persistently. The answer did not come. Not for months of incessant inquiry. Not until last week. God's answer came in two unusual ways. First, I found a copied page from a book left on my desk anonymously last Sunday afternoon. Several lines were underlined and hi lighted. The message was heard loud and clear. The second way God responded, came in the form of a text message after a pastoral visit. I visited a man who's wife died after a long illness. They were married 66 years. He is not a member of our church but a man I have grown to love. He sent me a text. In the text he wrote some words of wisdom that had to flow from the heart of God through his keypad. Without my telling him what I was seeking God about, he wrote a message addressing that very issue. He still does not know how impactful His words are to me. I have not erased them from my phone. 

I believe God still speaks. In many ways including through His word, the Holy Spirit, other people, and sometimes unique circumstances. Maybe even words from a book or in a text message. The question before us today is are we inquiring and listening? God has much to say to His children. May we turn our gaze and ears toward Heaven and listen for His still small voice. What He has to say to us will always be more important than what we have to say to Him. I am thankful He chooses to answer our inquiries in His time. 

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