Wednesday, November 2, 2022


 God's alarm got me up earlier than usual. I slid out of bed and into a sweatshirt before making my way to the living room. I turned on the lamp, picked up my glasses and Bible and settled in for some early morning reading. It was then that I read again part of the story of Job. Very inspiring. Very humbling and convicting. 

When it came time to pray, I wanted to be still. Not to rush. I did not want to ask God for anything but to just sit before Him. To slow down and not hurry through a devotion. Sometimes it feels like we are always in a hurry. Rushing around in endless activity. When that happens communion with God is often lost. 

I am not saying we do not do devotions. I am suggesting that often those devotions are so hurried that we do not sit before the Lord long enough to enjoy Him. We start conversations that are short and one sided. 

Brenda and I are fast approaching the empty nest. Three of our sons are off at school. One still lives at home but will be moving out this March. I love it when they all come home. No matter how late I enjoy sitting in the living room watching a ball game or movie. I take the time to enjoy them more that they are growing up and moving on with their lives. 

God wants to be enjoyed. To be experienced, enjoyed, and encountered. We come to Him with our wish lists. We need to take time to enjoy Him. To savor Him. To relish in Him. To delight in Him. This goes much beyond a quick devotional reading. It requires a slower pace of life. It requires a little more time. It requires some intentionality on our part and a willingness to linger. May we enjoy Him today.

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