Wednesday, November 16, 2022

A Massive Read

 I received the large volume two years ago this Christmas. It was a large book of 814 pages. Truth be told, it is comprised of seven books into one. It contained lessons from the lives of some of my favorite servants of God in history. A kind of hall of faith. The book started out as biographical talks John Piper delivered annually at Bethlehem Conference for Pastors. I used to listen to those talks on tape when I was in full time evangelism. Then he turned those talks into a series of books titled The Swans Are Not Silent. 

I started reading with the parking lot of the bookstore when I first got the book. It is not uncommon for me to go to a bookstore and make my selections and then find a chair to sit and start reading right in the store.  814 pages is by far the largest book I had ever undertaken to read through. It proved a daunting task. I would read and then set it down for something smaller. It is not uncommon for me to read several books at one time going from to another as the moods change. After about 18 months I only reached the half way point of that massive read. 

I admit my time does not allow for a great deal of leisure reading. Coming down with the flu changed that. I ventured to the office yesterday for the first time in nearly a week. I sat in here with cold chills. I pulled a blanket out of the closet to cover myself and then I fell asleep. I could not concentrate. I left after a couple of hours not having accomplished anything. 

During this illness my mind and thoughts turned back to that large book sitting on the table next to my recliner. That is where I have spent most of my time in recent days. I determined to make the most of the down time and I picked the book up again and started reading assiduously. Page after page. With pen in hand I underlined sentence after sentence of golden nuggets of truth. Some of it was hard to understand as the author swam in deep waters far above my head. Some chapters were timely. 

I saw the end in sight yesterday and determined I was going to finish it. I stayed up later than I have in a long time. Finally, after nearly two years I turned to the last page. Page 814. I confess I don't remember about what was on that page because I was so excited to get to the end. I could mark it off my to do list. 

There is hardly a day that goes by that I do not feel guilty about not reading more or writing more. I have good intentions. By the end of the day I often fall asleep in my chair. That is when I usually turn into bed around 9:00 p.m. I, like so many other people, start reading many books. I just don't always finish all of them. I used to. I proudly made myself finish whatever book I started. No matter how boring. I have since adopted a different attitude. Life is too short to read a boring book. I want to read books that God speaks to me through and teaches me. EVERY BOOK IS NOT WORTH READING! I will say it again. Life is too short to read boring books. 

I have a library of thousands of books. Many of which I have never cracked open. Gifts from retired pastors and purchases made I just had to have but now sit unopened and unread on shelves. I even more books stacked in boxes in another room in the church. So much knowledge and wisdom right at my finger tips if I would just make the time and put forth the effort. I want to read more. I need to read more. It's one way God nourishes my soul. Through books. I love them. 

One of the things I have rediscovered during this season is my love and need of reading. As I wrap this up I am reminded of another old book I started and then set aside and it is now covered under a stack of other books. I must dig that book back up and commit to finishing it. It is important for my soul. It is important for the Spring Creek flock to have a pastor who is constantly being refreshed. 

Please do not take any of this the wrong way. None of this reading can ever substitute for reading the Bible. That is my most important read. That is the real source of inspiration and spiritual refreshing. No other book compares to the Bible. I am a devoted reader of the Bible. Any other reading must take place after diligent reflection, study, and insidious inquiry of the holy word of God. Once that is done, then there is time for other reading. Theology books, prophetic books, leadership books, biographical, autobiographical, devotional, and from time to time even a novel. 

I thank God for the Bible most of all. No other book has done more for my soul. I also thank God for books. Through reading I can be whisked away hundreds of years into history and read tales and truths that make me lose touch with my current circumstances. Well enough writing. It is time to dig up that old book and plow into it again. I hope you will carve out time in your busy schedule like a slice of turkey on Thanksgiving for a little time to read. Maybe it will only be 15 or 30 minutes. Surely there are things we could all learn if we just made a little time to read. Even the massive reads. 

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