Friday, February 12, 2021

I Got Kicked Out of Church

 Those were the words spoken by a skater at the park on Monday night. When I asked if it happened in Weatherford he told me no. My heart sunk when he told me it happened in a church in a different town where I used to serve as pastor. I could not believe it. 

In rapid succession, this young man told me the following; he was homeless, had no contact with his family, he hoped to eat at least once a day, has drifted back and forth from Texas to Colorado, been in and out of jail for years, has no formal identification, has lived in homeless camps and was currently staying a hotel with a friend. . He has skated for fifteen years, broken his arm, broken a hip, and had four concussions causing him to have seizures. 

He is the best skater I have witnessed in the months we have shown up there. This young man awed us with his tricks, daring feats, and skills. I stood in admiration. He did things on a skateboard effortlessly I have seen others crash and burn attempting. 

While I talked to this man about Jesus, I heard an all too familiar story. He had an open mind to Jesus, but had no regard for the church. That same sentiment has been shared most of the skaters we have engaged in faith conversations. THEY DO NOT LIKE THE CHURCH. They feel judged and not loved. They know at best they are tolerated but not really welcome. 

Church, we are guilty. Are we a hospital for sinners. Are we  places where we welcome people who have their lives put together but grow uncomfortable when those who are down and out bravely show up ignoring the judgmental glances hoping to find help. 

The young skater did not feel he would be welcome. I don't know the full story why he was kicked out of church. I can only tell you it soured him on the institution created to help people get introduced to Jesus. The institution I serve and love. It breaks my heart. 

Jesus was a friend of sinners. He drew near them. He loved them. He showed grace to them. He spoke truth to them. He welcomed them into His kingdom. Shouldn't we not do the same. 

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