Sunday, February 7, 2021

A Dream Of Hell

 I am sharing this with permission. That being said, two ladies approached me during the invitation this morning. The older lady told me about a dream she had a few months ago. She was driving toward Mineral Wells, a town not far from Weatherford. She saw smoke and a huge hole in the ground. She also saw fire coming from the hole in the ground and many were driving into it. 

She asked what I thought that dream meant. The first impression that came to my mind, and I sure to some of your minds as well, was the hole in the ground represented hell. The people driving into it were the people without a saving relationship with Jesus falling into eternal judgment. She even saw some of her family going towards that hole in her dream. 

I felt impressed that the dream was given to her to warn her family, friends, and others about getting right with Jesus before it is too late. She felt a burden for other family members to be rescued from eternity in hell. 

We cannot fathom the unrelenting terror and torture of hell. A place of outer darkness. A bottomless pit. A place of eternal fire and the lake of fire. A place of weeping gnashing of teeth. Christians do not want to see others end up there. So we keep telling the old old story even when so few listen.

She gave me permission to share the dream with others so more people will hear and be warned. Her dream is right. Hell is a huge abyss. Millions upon millions have already perished there and live in eternal agony and torment even as I write this. For those still alive, there is still time. There is time for you to go to Jesus in prayer and admit your sin guilt. You are guilty. All are guilty of sin. None of us are perfect.  Confess your need to be rescued from the abyss of hell. Ask Jesus to save you and forgive you. Believe that what He did on the cross was to pay the penalty for your guilt, my guilt and people around the world. He offers that gift of forgiveness and salvation for all who call on Him for it. Then you will be saved. 

Rom 3:10-11 Rom 3:23 Rom 5:8 Rom 6:23 Rom 10:9-10, 13 Suppose you read this and just experienced Jesus saving you. What next? First, tell others, Tell me. Send me an email. Tell your family and friends. Secondly, find a Bible believing church. Tell the pastor there and seal your commitment by baptism. Your pastor can explain baptism more fully to you. 

I don't want you to fall into the abyss of hell. Neither does Barbara who related the dream to me. Nor her daughter, Selena, who came down front with her mom this morning and whom I baptized last Sunday. May God use this dream to touch people all around the world. 

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