Monday, July 27, 2020

Count The Cost

The time has come for followers of Jesus to count the cost of following. This is not new. From as far back to the book of Acts and to modern day gospel closed countries, people have counted and paid a high price for following Jesus.

In the United States, we are being told what we can say and not say. Terms are being redefined and censored. People are told that going to church spreads the corona virus while BLM and ANTIFA rallies are not as highly scrutinized. Such protestors can violently attack with little to no repercussions while people who try to defend themselves or their property are called racist.

We are now told you cannot use the word "master". One of the most famous golf tournaments in the world has been told they need to change their name. I want you to read this next statement very carefully. JESUS CHRIST IS MY MASTER. I AM HIS BONDSLAVE. He has earned the right to rule and reign in my life. Not my life only. In the life of every blood bought redeemed man, woman or child.

In a world hurling head long into prophetic end times, it is time for the people of God to courageously live with convictions. In a time when anarchy is on the rise, when respect for authority is decreasing, when people are bullied into making political correct stances and speeches, I say WE MUST OBEY GOD AND NOT MEN. We must speak Bible truth in love. We must not water it down to blend in with the culture. We must present Bible truth and the gospel good news without shame and with love.

In just a few months, sinister forces have stripped the United States of freedoms and independence we once took for granted. We have been deceived, fooled, hoodwinked, told lies, brainwashed and we took the bait. There are numerous reports about people who were not even tested for corona who got emails or phone calls that they tested positive. There are numerous reports about people dying from cancer, car accidents, old age, and numerous other things but the cause of death being labeled as corona virus. 333 testing sites in one state tested 50,000 people and all of them tested positive. Even in Texas, if one person in a household tests positive they automatically assume everyone in the house is positive. Do you see how the numbers keep rising on the evening news. There were supposed to be millions die when all this began. Sinister forces are at work. Forces like Bill Gates and George Soros. We watched our economy get crushed, people imprisoned under house arrest, denied access to goods and services if we did not wear a mask. Even though medical reports are numerous about the ill effects of wearing masks and its ineffectiveness against protecting you from the corona virus.

If you are show up for in person worship, you are viewed with suspicion. You will be labeled a dissenter if you do not wear a mask or take the coming vaccine. Mark my words. The day will come when this vaccine will be mandated even though reports are that the vaccine will genetically modify the DNA of a person.

Corona hit Spring Creek Baptist Church. Out of a congregation of 50 people at least 8 tested positive. We shut down for two weeks. I tested positive and isolated myself for nearly three weeks. My convictions will not allows me to keep the church shut down indefinitely. I don't care if only five show up or if 105 attend. Virtual online church is not the same. It can never be the same. I understand the costs associated with keeping Spring Creek open. Snitches will tell on you. Numerous instances have already happened when people showed up in other churches taking pictures and videos to report to the local law enforcement officials and to health care officials. It is a price I am willing to pay. Convictions mandate that I worship in person and continue to proclaim the truth of God's words in person as well as online as long as I can.

Social media platforms already censor and remove conservative voices and points of view labeling some things as hate speech. In the eyes of Jesus, all lives matter. Black. Brown. White. All lives matter. Police lives matter. There is no excuse for police brutality when an officer crosses the line. There is also no excuse when protestors block traffic and point guns at people as well as destroying property. When a guy gets murdered for holding a vote for Trump sign something is wrong. Threats continue that if Trump gets re-elected protestors will burn the nation down intimidating people. I am here to say according to Bible prophecy things are going to get much much worse before the end.

By and large, the people of God sit silently, compliantly, and cowardly. These days you have to count the cost of following Jesus. The price could get very high. I say emphatically, MAY WE NEVER TURN OUR BACKS ON JESUS WHO PLACED HIS BACK ON A CROSS FOR US.

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